Synchronet v3.19b-Win32 (install) has been released (Jan-2022).

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util:baja [2010/06/15 15:13] digitalmanutil:baja [2018/06/29 21:41] (current) – Details about the include path env var/option and deprecation of Baja digital man
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 Baja is a Synchronet module compiler and BASIC-like language for creating programmable command shells and modules for Synchronet versions 2 and 3.  Baja is a Synchronet module compiler and BASIC-like language for creating programmable command shells and modules for Synchronet versions 2 and 3. 
-Most Synchronet command shells are currently written in Baja.+Most Synchronet [[custom:command shell]]s are currently written in Baja
 +The //Programmable Command and Menu Structure// implementation (basically, the compiled ''.bin'' file interpreter) in the Synchronet [[server:Terminal]] Server is unlikely to be enhanced in the future. Synchronet's programability and extensibility is primarily through [[custom:JavaScript]] modules and services and future script development should be focused there.
 ===== Source ===== ===== Source =====
-Baja source files are plain ASCII text files (IBM CP437 characters may also be used). The Baja language is documented [[|here]].+Baja source files (''*.src'', ''*.inc''are plain ASCII text files (IBM CP437 characters may also be used). The Baja language is documented [[|here]]
 +Baja source files are normally stored in the Synchronet ''[[dir:exec]]'' directory. 
 +==== Includes ==== 
 +Baja source files may include other source files (usually named ''*.inc'') using the Baja ''!include'' directive. Included files are normally stored in the same directory as the ''*.src'' files but you can direct the Baja compiler to look in a different directory for included files by either defining the ''BAJAINCLUDE'' [[config:env|environment variable]] or by using the '-i' command-line option. 
 +By forcing the Baja compiler to look in a different directory (e.g. ''sbbs/[[dir:exec]]'') for ''!include''d files, you could, for example, compile ''.src'' files in your ''[[dir:mods]]'' directory which still ''!include'' files from the ''[[dir:exec]]'' directory.
 ===== Compiling ===== ===== Compiling =====