Synchronet v3.19b-Win32 (install) has been released (Jan-2022).

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talk:util:node [2019/08/20 04:53] – created: asking about the [X] portions of the output wkitty42talk:util:node [2019/08/20 06:50] (current) digital man
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 i can't find anything that tells what the "[X]" portions of the output mean... listing the status bits is good but they don't help when they are converted/translated to something human readable... i think i've checked all of the node listing tools' wiki pages but have not found this information yet... i can't find anything that tells what the "[X]" portions of the output mean... listing the status bits is good but they don't help when they are converted/translated to something human readable... i think i've checked all of the node listing tools' wiki pages but have not found this information yet...
 ~~~~ ~~~~
 +Here ya go (this should be ported to the wiki): 