Synchronet v3.19b-Win32 (install) has been released (Jan-2022).

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service:imap [2010/02/22 15:35] – created digitalmanservice:imap [2017/09/22 15:21] (current) – Created digital man
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 ====== IMAP Service ====== ====== IMAP Service ======
-FIXME+The IMAP TCP/IP application protocol is more secure and feature-full than the old POP3 protocol built-into the [[server:mail|Synchronet Mail Server]]. The IMAP protocol (version 4) can be used for retrieving mail from a Synchronet system by using [[person:Deuce]]'s ''[[|imapservice.js]]''.
 +===== Configuration =====
 +To enable this service, add the following lines to your ''[[dir:ctrl]]/[[config:services.ini]]'' file, if they are not already in there:
 +  [IMAP]
 +  Enabled=true
 +  Port=143
 +  Command=imapservice.js
 +Or configure in the [[monitor:sbbsctrl|Synchronet Control Panel]] for Windows, like so:
 +** NOTE: **
 +The IMAP protocol is more complex than the POP3 protocol built-into the [[server:mail|Synchronet Mail Server]] and this service script is not as well tested. Test results or patches should be sent to [[person:Deuce]].