Synchronet v3.19b-Win32 (install) has been released (Jan-2022).

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ref:xbin [2018/02/07 16:37] – More XBin/SyncTERM 1.1 demos - wow! digital manref:xbin [2020/05/28 19:33] (current) – [XBin] .bin files usually contain CP437 chars digital man
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 ====== XBin ====== ====== XBin ======
-XBin (''.xb'') is an ANSI/block art file format created by Tasmaniac of [[|ACiD]]. The main "image data" portion of the file is identical in format to that of a "Binary Text" (''.bin'') file: an IBM CGA text mode memory dump consisting of pairs of 8-bit character (e.g. alphanumeric or symbolic/graphic) data accompanied by 8-bit attribute (e.g. color) data.+XBin (''.xb'') is an ANSI/block art file format created by Tasmaniac of [[|ACiD]]. The main "image data" portion of the file is identical in format to that of a "Binary Text" (''.bin'') file: an IBM CGA text mode memory dump consisting of pairs of 8-bit character (e.g. CP437 alphanumeric or symbolic/graphic) data accompanied by 8-bit attribute (e.g. color) data.
 In addition to the "image data", the file may optionally contain: In addition to the "image data", the file may optionally contain: