Synchronet v3.19b-Win32 (install) has been released (Jan-2022).

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module:xtrnmenu [2021/02/06 11:36] – [Customizing the Look and Behavior] mlongmodule:xtrnmenu [2021/02/13 13:08] (current) – [External Program Menu] Pluralize digital man
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-====== XtrnMenu Mod ======+====== External Programs Menu ======
 For any issues, contact mlong on IRC, dove-net at mlong@INREALM or For any issues, contact mlong on IRC, dove-net at mlong@INREALM or
Line 53: Line 53:
 This mod will not affect any shells that create their own external menus, most notably lbshell (Deuce's Lightbar Shell). For these shells, they will just see your section menus This mod will not affect any shells that create their own external menus, most notably lbshell (Deuce's Lightbar Shell). For these shells, they will just see your section menus
 +The mod does not handle scrolling. You need to ensure that you do not have more menu items or external programs in a section than can be displayed in one screen (with header/footer/prompt)
 ===== xtrnmenucfg.js ===== ===== xtrnmenucfg.js =====