Synchronet v3.19b-Win32 (install) has been released (Jan-2022).

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module:privatemsg [2019/05/30 23:53] – [Private Message Module] Added "Install" section digital manmodule:privatemsg [2020/04/21 13:33] (current) – [Install] no manual install needed digital man
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-====== Private Message Module ======+====== Private Message ======
 The Synchronet Private Message Module ([[*checkout*/exec/privatemsg.js|privatemsg.js]]) may be used to replace the hard-coded Ctrl-P global-hot key functionality of the [[server:Terminal]] server. The main advantage over the hard-coded Ctrl-P handler is the easy invocation of the [[sbbsimsg|Inter-BBS instant message]] module. Additionally, this module may be easily customized or modified to suit your needs. If you plan to modify this module, it is recommended that you copy it to your ''[[dir:mods]]'' directory first and modify the copy. The Synchronet Private Message Module ([[*checkout*/exec/privatemsg.js|privatemsg.js]]) may be used to replace the hard-coded Ctrl-P global-hot key functionality of the [[server:Terminal]] server. The main advantage over the hard-coded Ctrl-P handler is the easy invocation of the [[sbbsimsg|Inter-BBS instant message]] module. Additionally, this module may be easily customized or modified to suit your needs. If you plan to modify this module, it is recommended that you copy it to your ''[[dir:mods]]'' directory first and modify the copy.
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 ===== Install ===== ===== Install =====
-This module may be installed using the follow [[util:JSexec]] command-line: 
-  jsexec primvatemsg.js install 
-This will create the following Global Hot Key event in [[util:SCFG]]->External Programs->Global Hot Key Events: +The ''privatemsg'' module is now the default value for SCFG->System->Loadable Modules->Private Msg, so needs no manual installation.
-<file> +
-╔═══════════════════════════════════════════╗ +
-║           Global Hot Key Events           ║ +
-╠═══════════════════════════════════════════╣ +
-║ │Ctrl-P    ?privatemsg.js                 ║ +
-║ │                                         ║ +
-╚═══════════════════════════════════════════╝ +
 ===== See Also ===== ===== See Also =====
   * [[:module:|Module index]]   * [[:module:|Module index]]