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module:postmsg [2018/03/01 12:11] – Links to util:binkit changed to module:binkit digital manmodule:postmsg [2020/11/11 22:02] (current) – [See Also] Added jsutil tag digital man
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-====== Postmsg ======+====== Post Message ======
-This module replaces the functionality of the ''[[binkit]] i'' command and is the recommended method for auto-posting (or e-mailing) messages.+The Synchronet Post Message module (''postmsg.js''replaces the functionality of the ''[[util:smbutil]] i'' command and is the recommended method for auto-posting (or e-mailing) messages. The source for this module is stored in [[dev:CVS]] [[|here]]
 ===== Usage ===== ===== Usage =====
-The postmsg module may be executed from the Synchronet Terminal Server (e.g. as //Timed Event// or using the '';EXEC'' sysop command) with a ''?'' prefix (e.g. ''?postmsg -option sub-code''), or it may be executed from an operating system command prompt via [[binkit]].+The postmsg module may be executed from the Synchronet Terminal Server (e.g. as //Timed Event// or using the '';EXEC'' sysop command) with a ''?'' prefix (e.g. ''?postmsg -option sub-code''), or it may be executed from an operating system command prompt via [[util:JSexec]].
-The command-line syntax is very similar to the import (''i'') command supported by [[binkit]].+The command-line syntax is very similar to the import (''i'') command supported by [[util:smbutil]].
 ==== Syntax ==== ==== Syntax ====
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 ===== See Also ===== ===== See Also =====
-  * [[:module:|module index]]+  * [[:module:|Modules]] 
 +  * [[:module:Bulkmail]] module
-{{tag>smb smbutil}}+{{tag>smb smbutil jsutil}}