Synchronet v3.19b-Win32 (install) has been released (Jan-2022).

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module:install-xtrn [2021/02/13 13:05] – [Example install-xtrn.ini] mortifismodule:install-xtrn [2021/11/18 14:28] (current) – [Command Line Options] Use proper table markup digital man
Line 25: Line 25:
 ^ Command ^ Description ^ ^ Command ^ Description ^
--auto Don't prompt for a list of doors to install ^ +-auto Don't prompt for a list of doors to install | 
--debug Shows what would happen (does not make changes) ^ +-debug Shows what would happen (does not make changes) | 
--overwrite Overwrite already-installed door ^+-overwrite Overwrite already-installed door |
 ===== Third Party External Programs (Doors) ===== ===== Third Party External Programs (Doors) =====