Synchronet v3.20d-Win32 (install) has been released (Mar-2025).

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File List

New for Synchronet v3.19, this JavaScript utility script (filelist.js) replaces the functionality of the old FILELIST program.

Normally executed via JSexec, this script will generate a list of files from one or more Synchronet system's file databases (filebases) and send the list to stdout which can be redirected to a file using normal system shell methods, for example:

jsexec filelist -all > allfiles.txt

The output can be plain human-readable text or JSON:

jsexec filelist -all -json > allfiles.json


If no command-line options are provided, this script will show all the file directory internal codes and prompt the operator to type the internal code of the file directory to list.

To display the usage syntax, specify the '-help' option:

usage: [-options] [dir-code [...]] [include-filespec=*]
  -all            list files in all libraries/directories
  -lib=<name>     list files in all directories of specified library
  -ex=<filespec>  add filename or spec to excluded filename list
  -hdr            include header for each directory
  -sort[=prop]    enable/configure file sorting
  -i              perform case-insensitive global sorting
  -reverse        reverse the sort order
  -json[=spaces]  use JSON formatted output
  -new=<days>     include new files uploaded in past <days>
  -p=<list>       specify comma-separated list of property names to print
  -cdt            include credit value instead of file size
  -ext            include extended file descriptions
  -ext=<prefix>   specify extended file description prefix
  -fmt=<fmt>      specify output format string (printf syntax)
  -date=<fmt>     specify date/time display format (strftime syntax)
  -size=<fmt>     specify size/byte display format (0-12)
  -name=<len>     specify filename length (default: 12)
  -pad            pad filename with spaces
  -adate          use latest archived file date/time instead of file time
  -v              increase verbosity (detail) of output


To list the files in a single directory, specify that directory's internal code on the command-line or type it when prompted.

To list the files in multiple directories, either:

  1. Specify each directory's internal code on the command-line
  2. Specify the parent Library short name with the -lib=<name> option on the command-line (case-sensitive)
  3. Specify the -all option to include all directories of all libraries

To include only files matching a particularly file naming pattern, specify that file pattern on the command-line (you may need to include the pattern in quotes).

To exclude files matching one or more file naming patterns, use the -ex=<name/pattern> option one or more times to specify one or more filenames or patterns to exclude from the output list.

To include only files that were uploaded/imported within a specified number of days, use the -new=<days> option.


By default, the files are ordered in their natural index-ordering (the order in which they were upload/imported - for each directory).

When the -sort option is specified on the command-line, the SCFG-configured sort order will be applied to each listed directory's files.

║       Sort Value and Direction      ║
║ │Name Ascending (case-insensitive)  ║
║ │Name Descending (case-insensitive) ║
║ │Date Ascending                     ║
║ │Date Descending                    ║
║ │Name Ascending (case-sensitive)    ║
║ │Name Descending (case-sensitive)   ║

When the -hdr option is not specified and the -sort option is specified, then all files will be sorted as a single (globally sorted) list, even when more than one directory's files are included in that list. In this case, the default sort property is the file name property, but that may be overridden by specifying the desired sort property name as an argument to -sort=<prop-name> option. To sort strings without considering letter case, include the -i option.

To reverse the output order of files, include the -reverse option.

Format Output

The 2 main classes of output are JSON or free-form text. To specify JSON formatted output, use the -json command-line option. Many of the other command-line options do not serve a purpose when using JSON formatted output.


The default JSON output format is pretty-printed with 4-space indentation. To control the indentation level, use -json=<spaces> where “<spaces>” is the number of spaces to use for indenting or 0 for none.

The default metadata included in the JSON formatted output is just the names of each file. To add more detail (file properties), specify one or more -v options on the command-line to increase the verbosity:

  • Default: an array of file names
  • With -v: an array of file objects including: name, size, time, crc16, crc32, md5, sha1, and dir properties.
  • With -vv: an array of file objects adding: from, desc, cost, added, last_downloaded, and times_downloaded and if defined: anon and tags.
  • With -vvv: an array of file objects adding: extdesc (extended description).
  • With -vvvv: an array of file objects with all possible properties, even those that are blank/undefined.

Free Form

The default non-JSON (free form) text output is controlled with the -v (verbosity) option or the -ext (extended description) option.

  • Default: file names only
  • With -v: include file sizes (limited to 12 characters in length, not padded)
  • With -vv: add the file summaries (short descriptions)
  • With -vvv: add the extended file descriptions (same as the -ext option)

To increase the maximum length of the file name displayed, use the -name=<length> option.

By default, filenames shorter than the maximum are not padded (between the base file name and suffix/extension). To pad (with spaces) short names and file extensions, use the -pad option.

By default, extended descriptions are indented with a prefix that matches the FILES.BBS standard (indented with spaces separated from the description with a pipe character). To customize the extended description line prefixes, use the -ext=<prefix> option.

To choose your own file object properties to include in the list, specify the comma-separated list of property names with the -p=<list> option.

To choose your own printf-style format string, use the -fmt=<fmt> command-line option.

The default date/time format will be either “MM/DD/YY” or “DD/MM/YY” depending on the SCFG->System->Toggle options->European Date Format setting. To choose your own date/time display format, specify a strftime format string with the -date=<fmt> option.

The default file credit/size format is a rounded floating point format with a single digit of precision and a suffix of G, M, K or B. To choose an alternate file credit/size format, specify the format number (0-12) with the -size=<fmt> option:

Size Formats

The formatting options for file sizes (bytes) or credit values:

01) 1 22) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
9805 10K 9.6K 9.58K 10K 9.6K 9.58K 0M 0.0M 0.01M 0.009M 9,805B 10K
3177 3K 3.1K 3.10K 3K 3.1K 3.10K 0M 0.0M 0.00M 0.003M 3,177B 3K
5120 5K 5.0K 5.00K 5K 5.0K 5.00K 0M 0.0M 0.00M 0.005M 5,120B 5K
15872 16K 15.5K 15.50K 16K 15.5K 15.50K 0M 0.0M 0.02M 0.015M 16K 16K
61114 60K 59.7K 59.68K 60K 59.7K 59.68K 0M 0.1M 0.06M 0.058M 60K 60K
349925 342K 341.7K 341.72K 342K 341.7K 341.72K 0M 0.3M 0.33M 0.334M 342K 342K
350 350B 350B 350B 0K 0.3K 0.34K 0M 0.0M 0.00M 0.000M 350B 1K
2134 2K 2.1K 2.08K 2K 2.1K 2.08K 0M 0.0M 0.00M 0.002M 2,134B 2K
8846 9K 8.6K 8.64K 9K 8.6K 8.64K 0M 0.0M 0.01M 0.008M 8,846B 9K
3599786 3M 3.4M 3.43M 3M 3.4M 3.43M 3M 3.4M 3.43M 3.433M 3,515K 3,515K
266531 260K 260.3K 260.28K 260K 260.3K 260.28K 0M 0.3M 0.25M 0.254M 260K 260K
1423559 1M 1.4M 1.36M 1M 1.4M 1.36M 1M 1.4M 1.36M 1.358M 1,390K 1,390K

See Also

FILES.BBS compatible
the default