Synchronet v3.20b-Win32 (install) has been released (Jan-2025).

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module:chat_sec [2023/02/26 21:40] – [Install] Updated for v3.20 digital manmodule:chat_sec [2023/04/02 19:55] (current) – [Chat Section] Add multiple channel lists details digital man
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 Chat:  Chat: 
 </file> </file>
 +===== Configure =====
 This module supports the following configuration options in the ''[chat]'' section of the ''[[dir:ctrl]]/[[config:modopts.ini]]'' file: This module supports the following configuration options in the ''[chat]'' section of the ''[[dir:ctrl]]/[[config:modopts.ini]]'' file:
Line 33: Line 35:
 | irc_channel  | #Synchronet           | Comma-separated list of IRC Channels to auto-join | | irc_channel  | #Synchronet           | Comma-separated list of IRC Channels to auto-join |
 | irc_seclevel | 90                    | Security level required to change IRC server/channel parameters | | irc_seclevel | 90                    | Security level required to change IRC server/channel parameters |
 +==== Servers-specific Channel Lists ====
 +Do you have multiple IRC servers configured in ''modopts.ini'' and you want a different channel list per server? Just add more
 +keys to the ''modopts.ini [chat_sec]'' section of the form:
 +  <server>=<channel_list>
 +Where ''<server>'' is the IRC server's host name (e.g. '''')
 +and ''<channel_list>'' is a comma-separated list of channels to override
 +the default list of channels (set with the ''irc_channel'' key).
 ===== Install ===== ===== Install =====