Synchronet v3.19b-Win32 (install) has been released (Jan-2022).

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module:bullseye [2021/04/07 11:17] – Create install section digital manmodule:bullseye [2024/07/02 13:29] (current) – Updated paths and such digital man
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 ====== Bullseye Bulletins ====== ====== Bullseye Bulletins ======
-Bullseye Bulletins (/sbbs/exec/bullseye.js) is used to display plain text files that contain information you would like users to have access to, similar to SCFG>Text Files Section.+Bullseye Bulletins (''[[dir:exec]]/bullseye.js'') is a simplest script that may be used to display plain text files that contain information you would like users to have access to, similar to [General] Text Files Sections.
 ===== Install ===== ===== Install =====
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 ===== Configure ===== ===== Configure =====
-''[[dir:exec]]bullseye.js'' reads the available list of bulletins contained in ''[[dir:text]]/bullseye.cfg'' and displays ''[[dir:text]]bullseye.(msg/asc/ans)'' as the menu to the users.+Bullseye reads the available list of bulletins from ''[[dir:text]]/bullseye.cfg'' and displays ''[[dir:text]]/bullseye.[msg|asc|ans]'' as the menu to the users of the [[server:terminal]] server. 
 +**New in Bullseye Bulletins v3.00**: If the the [[custom:menu_files|menu file]] (e.g. ''bullseye.asc'') does not exist, an auto-generated enumerated list of bulletin files will be displayed to the user for their viewing selection.
 === Adding Items to Bullseye Bulletins == === Adding Items to Bullseye Bulletins ==
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 </file> </file>
-Note: the "0" (zero) on the first line is important and must not be removed This is a place holder so the counter does not start at 0.\\ +Note: the first line of the ''bullseye.cfg'' file is currently not usedThe remaining lines are paths to bulletin files, correspond to the bulletin numbers in the menu file (if it exists).
-the remaining items, one per line, correspond to the item number in bulleyes.msg menu file.+
 {{:module:bulleyes.png?400|}} {{:module:bulleyes.png?400|}}