Synchronet v3.20b-Win32 (install) has been released (Jan-2025).

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module:avatars [2021/01/11 20:10] – [Options] Document the -aliasonly option digital manmodule:avatars [2021/01/11 23:59] (current) – [Options] typo digital man
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 | -offset=<value> | Specify a record offset of an avatar in an avatar collection file | | -offset=<value> | Specify a record offset of an avatar in an avatar collection file |
 | -realnames      | When exporting user avatars, include the user's full real name as well as their alias | | -realnames      | When exporting user avatars, include the user's full real name as well as their alias |
-| -aliasonly      | When exporting user avatars, do not include even and MD5-digest of the user's real name |+| -aliasonly      | When exporting user avatars, do not include even an MD5-digest of the user's real name |
 | -ptr=<value>    | Over-ride the stored import/export message pointer value | | -ptr=<value>    | Over-ride the stored import/export message pointer value |
 | -all            | Import/export all messages (even those exported locally) - not normally recommended | | -all            | Import/export all messages (even those exported locally) - not normally recommended |