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howto:relay_smtp [2012/07/03 13:36] – created digitalmanhowto:relay_smtp [2023/06/16 15:33] (current) – [Relay Outgoing SMTP Mail through Vertrauen] Add SCFG v3.20 example digital man
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-====== Relay SMTP Mail through Vertrauen ======+====== Relay Outgoing SMTP Mail through Vertrauen ======
 **Problem:**\\ **Problem:**\\
-Your ISP restricts or blocks outbound connections to TCP port 25 so you are unable to have the Synchronet [[server:Mail]] Server perform //Direct Delivery// of email messages to public mail (SMTP) servers which require mail delivery on TCP port 25.+Your ISP restricts or blocks //outbound// connections to TCP port 25 so you are unable to have the Synchronet [[server:Mail]] Server perform //Direct Delivery// of email messages to public mail (SMTP) servers which require mail delivery on TCP port 25
 +Some public mail services (e.g Gmail) reject email messages from your server due to a blocked/untrusted IP address or lack of a "SPF TXT" DNS record that authorizes mail to be sent from your mail server for your hostname.
 **Solution:**\\ **Solution:**\\
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   - If you do not already have a QWK networking account on Vertrauen, [[howto:dove-net|create one]].   - If you do not already have a QWK networking account on Vertrauen, [[howto:dove-net|create one]].
   - If running [[monitor:sbbsctrl|Synchronet Control Panel for Windows]], shut it down.   - If running [[monitor:sbbsctrl|Synchronet Control Panel for Windows]], shut it down.
-  - Add ''RELAY_AUTH_PLAIN'' to the ''Options'' key value in the ''[mail]'' section of your ''[[dir:ctrl]]/[[config:sbbs.ini]]'' file.+  - Add ''RELAY_TX'' and ''RELAY_AUTH_PLAIN'' to the ''Options'' key value in the ''[mail]'' section of your ''[[dir:ctrl]]/[[config:sbbs.ini]]'' file. Example: ''Options = ALLOW_POP3 | RELAY_TX | RELAY_AUTH_PLAIN''
   - Edit the following keys in the ''[mail]'' section of your ''[[dir:ctrl]]/[[config:sbbs.ini]]'' file:   - Edit the following keys in the ''[mail]'' section of your ''[[dir:ctrl]]/[[config:sbbs.ini]]'' file:
   RelayPort=587   RelayPort=587
   RelayUsername=your BBS's QWK-ID   RelayUsername=your BBS's QWK-ID
   RelayPassword=your QWKnet account password   RelayPassword=your QWKnet account password
 +Alternatively, if you using [[monitor:sbbsctrl|Synchronet Control Panel for Windows]], you can use the SBBSCTRL:Mail->Configure menu option to make the configuration changes and then hit the 'OK' button:
 +{{:howto:sbbsctrl_vert_relay_cfg.png|Synchronet Mail Server configuration for relaying through Vertrauen}}
 +Note: the "Use Relay Server" radio button must be checked on the "SendMail" tab for the "Relay" tab shown above to appear in the configuration dialog box.
 +Or... in [[util:SCFG]] v3.20+, in Servers->Mail Server->SendMail Thread...
 +║                 SendMail Thread                 ║
 +║ │Enabled                       Yes              ║
 +║ │Rescan Interval               1 hour           ║
 +║ │Connect Timeout               10 seconds       ║
 +║ │Auto-exempt Recipients        Yes              ║
 +║ │Max Delivery Attempts         50               ║
 +║ │Delivery Method               Relay            ║
 +║ │Relay Server Address ║
 +║ │Relay Server TCP Port         25               ║
 +║ │Relay Server Authentication   Plain            ║
 +║ │Relay Server Username         your-qwk-id      ║
 +║ │Relay Server Password         pass             ║
 **Policy:**\\ **Policy:**\\