Synchronet v3.19b-Win32 (install) has been released (Jan-2022).

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howto:ntvdmx64 [2024/06/05 14:23] – created digital manhowto:ntvdmx64 [2024/06/05 15:06] (current) – [Install NTVDMx64] defeat security warnings during install digital man
Line 7: Line 7:
   - Download [[]] - defeat security features/warnings in the OS or browser to download/save the file successsfully   - Download [[]] - defeat security features/warnings in the OS or browser to download/save the file successsfully
   - Extract the contents of ''ntvdmx64*.7z'' using [[|7zip]] or similar archive program that supports ''*.7z'' archive files ((archive password is leecher))   - Extract the contents of ''ntvdmx64*.7z'' using [[|7zip]] or similar archive program that supports ''*.7z'' archive files ((archive password is leecher))
-  - Run ''usa/install.bat'' from the extracted archive+  - Run ''usa/install.bat'' from the extracted archive - defeat/bypass any security warnings from Windows
 Alternatives to use of NTVDMx64 include running your BBS under a 32-bit Windows Virtual Machine (VM) as a guest OS within a Hypervisor (e.g. [[ Alternatives to use of NTVDMx64 include running your BBS under a 32-bit Windows Virtual Machine (VM) as a guest OS within a Hypervisor (e.g. [[