Synchronet v3.19b-Win32 (install) has been released (Jan-2022).

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howto:emailsec [2020/07/07 21:39] grasshopperhowto:emailsec [2020/07/07 21:42] (current) grasshopper
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 ==== Creating the 'TXT' records for security ==== ==== Creating the 'TXT' records for security ====
-  - Still logged into one's provider of the owned domain name, create a "TXT" record (i.e. This will be the SPF record)+  - Still logged into one's provider of the owned domain name, create a "TXT" record (i.e. This will be the SPF((Sender Policy Framework)) record)
     - The host name should be the "@" symbol     - The host name should be the "@" symbol
     - The TXT Value will contain the information that will state which domain names and IPs are OK if email comes from one of those. One will want to include all possible Domain Name/IP addresses that could serve up email. This part takes a little more effort to get the text right. Thankfully there are free tools available on the internet that will generate the SPF text for you. These are a couple of those sites.     - The TXT Value will contain the information that will state which domain names and IPs are OK if email comes from one of those. One will want to include all possible Domain Name/IP addresses that could serve up email. This part takes a little more effort to get the text right. Thankfully there are free tools available on the internet that will generate the SPF text for you. These are a couple of those sites.