Synchronet v3.19b-Win32 (install) has been released (Jan-2022).

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howto:door:nukewars [2014/01/12 21:24] – created Nightfoxhowto:door:nukewars [2014/01/12 21:28] (current) – Changed the page title Nightfox
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-====== Nukewars ======+====== Nuke Wars ======
 ===== SCFG Settings ===== ===== SCFG Settings =====
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 ===== Door Specific Instructions ===== ===== Door Specific Instructions =====
-When you try to run Nuke Wars, you may get an error on your BBS machine saying that COM3 cannot be opened.  In order to resolve that, make a copy of ''[[config:sbbsexec.ini]]'' from Synchronet's ''[[dir:exec]]'' directory to your Nuke Wars directory, then edit the one in your Nuke Wars directory with a text editor.  Change the ComPort setting (in the [UART] section) to specify 3:+When you try to run Nuke Wars, you may get an error on your BBS machine saying that COM3 cannot be opened.  In order to resolve that, make a copy of ''[[config:sbbsexec.ini]]'' from Synchronet's ''[[dir:exec]]'' directory to your Nuke Wars directory, then edit ''sbbsexec.ini'' in your Nuke Wars directory with a text editor.  Change the ComPort setting (in the [UART] section) to specify 3:
 <file usurp.ctl> <file usurp.ctl>