Synchronet v3.19b-Win32 (install) has been released (Jan-2022).

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howto:door:fe [2018/03/01 12:10] – Links to util:binkit changed to module:binkit digital manhowto:door:fe [2018/03/01 12:21] (current) – old revision restored digital man
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 FE and the other SR / John Daily doors are easy with Synchronet since it supports SR doors native ''DOORFILE.SR''. Basically just place the ''DOORFILE.SR'' in FE's directory and you're home free.  FE and the other SR / John Daily doors are easy with Synchronet since it supports SR doors native ''DOORFILE.SR''. Basically just place the ''DOORFILE.SR'' in FE's directory and you're home free. 
-:!: Note: BRE is not Multiplayer and can only be used on one node at a time. However, we can leave ''Allow Mulitple Users'' ON in [[module:binkit]] as BRE will inform the player the door is in use by itself.+:!: Note: BRE is not Multiplayer and can only be used on one node at a time. However, we can leave ''Allow Mulitple Users'' ON in [[util:SCFG]] as BRE will inform the player the door is in use by itself.
 From the command prompt, in the FE directory, run the FE106.EXE executable. Once that is completed, run the UNPACK.BAT file. This will create the DATA and DOC directories. FE.DOC is in the DOC directory. Next, run INSTALL.EXE... From the command prompt, in the FE directory, run the FE106.EXE executable. Once that is completed, run the UNPACK.BAT file. This will create the DATA and DOC directories. FE.DOC is in the DOC directory. Next, run INSTALL.EXE...