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history:origins [2022/02/01 23:38] digital manhistory:origins [2022/02/02 12:15] (current) digital man
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-====== Discussions of Synchronet Development (1991) ======+====== Digital Man'Discussions w/Steve on Synchronet Development (1991) ======
-[[person:ille_homine_albe|Steve Deppe]] archived his emails (to 5.25" floppy disks!) back in 1991 and he saved the following exchanges with [[person:digital man|Rob]] discussing some of the earliest development of "The BBS" (which you can see here had been assigned the name "synchro_net" by April of 1991). These message exchanges took place on [[bbs:Vertrauen]] which was still running WWIV v4 BBS software at that time.+Steve Deppe ([[person:Ille Homine Albe]]archived his emails (to 5.25" floppy disks!) back in 1991 and he saved the following exchanges with Rob ([[person:Digital Man]]discussing some of the earliest development of "the new BBS" (which you can see here had been given the name "synchro_net" by April of 1991). These message exchanges took place on [[bbs:Vertrauen]] which was still running WWIV v4 BBS software at that time
 +We talked a lot by telephone (POTS landlines!) in those days too, so there's significant parts of these conversations between Steve and I, not represented here.
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-If you're wondering why Vertrauen was "@2" (its WWIV-style network address), it's because [[person:King Drafus]]'s The Beast Domain was "@1" (of [[network:DOVE-Net]]).+If you're wondering why Vertrauen was "@2" (its WWIV-style network address), it's because [[person:King Drafus]]'s The Beast Domain was "@1" (of [[network:DOVE-Net]]) at that time.
 ===== See Also ===== ===== See Also =====
   * [[:history:|history index]]   * [[:history:|history index]]
-{{tag>}}+{{tag>wwiv development deppe}}