Synchronet v3.19b-Win32 (install) has been released (Jan-2022).

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history:newuserbase [2023/02/27 13:59] – created digital manhistory:newuserbase [2023/07/18 17:25] (current) – [Why the change?] Added some emphasis using italics digital man
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-====== New User Database Format ======+====== New Userbase (introduced in v3.20) ======
 Synchronet v3.20 introduces a new primary user database file format and Synchronet v3.20 introduces a new primary user database file format and
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 only serve to reset expectations based on the current predictions of future only serve to reset expectations based on the current predictions of future
 needs which are inevitably flawed. So the fundamental improvement needed needs which are inevitably flawed. So the fundamental improvement needed
-for future-proofing was the switch from fixed-length to variable-length+for future-proofing was the switch from //fixed//-length to //variable//-length
 fields. fields.
-Variable-length records would make fast random access (i.e. direct-seeking to+Variable-length //records// would make fast random access (i.e. direct-seeking to
 a specific user's record) and record locking (insuring exclusive access, a specific user's record) and record locking (insuring exclusive access,
-e.g. for read/modify/write operations) more difficult. Fixed-length records+e.g. for read/modify/write operations) more difficult. //Fixed//-length records
 are a good solution for fast random access and locking, so the new user data are a good solution for fast random access and locking, so the new user data
 format uses the combination of: format uses the combination of: