Synchronet v3.20b-Win32 (install) has been released (Jan-2025).

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history:museum:v1 [2020/11/21 14:41] museumhistory:museum:v1 [2024/04/03 22:27] (current) – Change archive URL from ftp to http digital man
Line 5: Line 5:
 Note: "Synchronet v1.00x" was never a thing. Those early versions were "v1x rev #", abbreviated to "v1x##" (e.g. v1a08, v1b00, v1c14), no dots. Note: "Synchronet v1.00x" was never a thing. Those early versions were "v1x rev #", abbreviated to "v1x##" (e.g. v1a08, v1b00, v1c14), no dots.
-This archive, as well as other historical Synchronet BBS archives, are available at\\+These archives, as well as other historical Synchronet BBS archives, are available at\\
 \\ \\
 ---- ----
-v1a08\\ +v1a08 - May 29 1992 *First commercial release of Synchronet BBS Software* \\
 {{:history:museum:v1a-wfc.png?400|}} {{:history:museum:v1a-wfc.png?400|}}
 {{:history:museum:v1a-answer.png?400|}} {{:history:museum:v1a-answer.png?400|}}
 {{:history:museum:v1a-info.png?400|}} {{:history:museum:v1a-info.png?400|}}
 \\ \\
Line 22: Line 21:
 ---- ----
-v1b02\\ +v1b01 - Jan 25 1993\\
 {{:history:museum:wfc-1b00.jpg?400|}} {{:history:museum:wfc-1b00.jpg?400|}}
Line 33: Line 31:
 {{:history:museum:1b00-qwk.jpg?400|}} {{:history:museum:1b00-qwk.jpg?400|}}
 +v1c02 - Nov 30 1993 