Synchronet v3.19b-Win32 (install) has been released (Jan-2022).

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history:museum:rip [2023/03/13 20:49] – [RIP] Add a main menu screen-shot (captured with SyncTERM v1.2b) digital manhistory:museum:rip [2023/12/21 12:30] (current) – [See Also] A couple more RIP vids digital man
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   * [[:history:museum:|history:museum index]]   * [[:history:museum:|history:museum index]]
   * [[|Video demo of a "modern" ripped PCBoard BBS using RIPtel]]   * [[|Video demo of a "modern" ripped PCBoard BBS using RIPtel]]
 +  * [[|Rocking RIP Galleries featuring over 100 Rip art graphics [Quick Version]]]
 +  * [[|Relax and Chill Jazz Lounge and RIP Art Galleries]]
   * [[|Article: Web the RIPper]]   * [[|Article: Web the RIPper]]
 {{tag>rip ansi art}} {{tag>rip ansi art}}