Synchronet v3.19b-Win32 (install) has been released (Jan-2022).

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history:museum:one_bbscon_93 [2019/05/13 02:53] – Added some relevant links digital manhistory:museum:one_bbscon_93 [2020/10/29 18:10] (current) – Added ONE BBSCON ad from Boardwatch mag digital man
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 ====== ONE BBSCON 1993 ====== ====== ONE BBSCON 1993 ======
 Digital Dynamics (Synchronet BBS Software) attendance at the ONE BBSCON convention (emphasis on "con") in Colorado Springs, 1993. Digital Dynamics (Synchronet BBS Software) attendance at the ONE BBSCON convention (emphasis on "con") in Colorado Springs, 1993.
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 {{gallery>museum:one_bbscon_93}} {{gallery>museum:one_bbscon_93}}
-===== See Also+===== The Synchronet Blimp Today (2019) ===== 
 +===== See Also ===== 
 +  * [[:history:manifesto|The Digital Manifesto]] 
 +  * [[|Jason Scott blog post on the subject]]
   * [[|Video from ONE BBSON 1995]]   * [[|Video from ONE BBSON 1995]]
   * [[wp>Boardwatch]] magazine   * [[wp>Boardwatch]] magazine
 +  * [[|2019 video: the resurrection of the Synchronet blimp]]