Synchronet v3.19b-Win32 (install) has been released (Jan-2022).

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history:digital_dynamics [2010/02/23 14:41] – Links to people:cyan changed to people:person:cyan digitalmanhistory:digital_dynamics [2010/03/08 08:40] (current) – Links to museum:ads changed to history:museum:ads digitalman
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 ====== Digital Dynamics (1992-1995) ====== ====== Digital Dynamics (1992-1995) ======
-Digital Dynamics was a private company created by [[people:person::digital man|Rob Swindell]] in 1992 for the purpose of selling  Synchronet BBS and related software and hardware packages directly to Sysops around the world.+Digital Dynamics was a private company created by [[person:digital man|Rob Swindell]] in 1992 for the purpose of selling  Synchronet BBS and related software and hardware packages directly to Sysops around the world.
-[[people:person::dr. seuss|Mike Swindell]] was instrumental in the launching of Digital Dynamics, the creation of all advertising and other press materials, and the successful marketing of Synchronet in the early to mid 1990s.+[[person:dr. seuss|Mike Swindell]] was instrumental in the launching of Digital Dynamics, the creation of all advertising and other press materials, and the successful marketing of Synchronet in the early to mid 1990s.
 {{:museum:artwork:ddlogo.png?500|Digital Dynamics Logo}} {{:museum:artwork:ddlogo.png?500|Digital Dynamics Logo}}
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 After a dramatic and sudden decline in sales of BBS-related software, Digital Dynamics [[manifesto|ceased operation]] in 1995. After a dramatic and sudden decline in sales of BBS-related software, Digital Dynamics [[manifesto|ceased operation]] in 1995.
-For more Digital Dynamics artwork and documentation, visit the [[museum:]].+For more Digital Dynamics artwork and documentation, visit the [[:history:museum::]]. 
 +===== See Also ===== 
 +  * [[.:|History]] 