Synchronet v3.19b-Win32 (install) has been released (Jan-2022).

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dev:tools [2024/04/05 14:38] – [Windows] Update link to Visual Studio/C++ digital mandev:tools [2024/04/06 13:50] (current) – Add screenshot of Visual Studio configured for C++ dev and XP support digital man
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 ===== Windows ===== ===== Windows =====
-The majority of the Synchronet executable files and libraries for Windows are built with [[|Microsoft Visual Studio and Visual C++]].+The majority of the Synchronet executable files and libraries for Windows are built with [[|Microsoft Visual Studio and Visual C++]] with Windows XP support. 
 Certain GUI components (e.g. Synchronet Control Panel, ''sbbsctrl.exe'') are currently built with Borland C++Builder 6, with efforts under way to transition to something else. Certain GUI components (e.g. Synchronet Control Panel, ''sbbsctrl.exe'') are currently built with Borland C++Builder 6, with efforts under way to transition to something else.