Synchronet v3.19b-Win32 (install) has been released (Jan-2022).

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dev:git [2012/10/31 18:18] – created rfrederickdev:git [2022/11/03 12:53] (current) – [See Also] added link to How-to page digital man
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 ====== Git Repository ====== ====== Git Repository ======
-For those wishing to browse and/or download the Synchronet [[source|source code]] as a [[wp>Git_(software)|Git]] repository a read-only Git mirror of the Synchronet [[wp>Concurrent_Versions_System|CVS]] repository modules is located at Synchronet Source Repository is now located in personally-hosted [[|GitLab]]((as of August 2020)).
-Individual modules can be retrieved via the ''git clone'' command, e.g. ''git clone''+You can download source archives from the GitLab web UI (e.g. [[|]] or [[|sbbs-master.tar.gz]]), but the preferred method is to //clone// the repository (repo).
 +On Debian-based Linux systems (e.g. Ubuntu), you can install Git as follows:
 +  $ sudo apt install git
 +For instructions on downloading/installing Git on other systems, go [[|here]].
 +To clone the repository to your local system (into a directory named ''~/sbbs/repo'') using unauthenticated HTTPS:
 +  $ git clone ~/sbbs/repo
 +To clone the repository to your local system using SSH (your public key must be configured for your user account at ''''):
 +  $ git clone ~/sbbs/repo
 +===== Mirrors =====
 +The Synchronet Source Repository is mirrored (e.g. for faster downloads/cloning) at:
 +  *
 +  *
 +A simple web log of Synchronet Git commits is viewable at [[]].
 ===== See Also ===== ===== See Also =====
-  * [[|Read-Only Git Mirror of the Synchronet CVS Repository]] +  * [[|Synchronet Source Repository Web Page]] 
-  * [[|Synchronet CVS Repository]] [[|CVS Repository Mirror]] +  * [[howto:git|How-to use the Synchronet Git Repository]] 
-  * [[dev:cvs|Synchronet CVS Repository Wiki Page]]+  * [[dev:cvs|Synchronet CVS Repository (deprecated/legacy)]]
-{{tag>}}+{{tag>git cvs}}