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custom:atcodes [2024/12/19 18:21] – [System Information] Add new UTC date/time codes digital man | custom:atcodes [2025/03/07 20:21] (current) – [Message Area Information] Added MSGS @-code digital man |
|BUILD_TIME | |Time of Synchronet build | | |BUILD_TIME | |Time of Synchronet build | |
|COMPILER | |Compiler used to build Synchronet| | |COMPILER | |Compiler used to build Synchronet| |
|CONF | |Name of current Group and Sub-board| | |
|CONFNUM | |Number of current Group and Sub-board (separated by a space)| | |
|CONN | |Connection description (modem type, "Telnet", "RLogin", etc.)| | |CONN | |Connection description (modem type, "Telnet", "RLogin", etc.)| |
|COPYRIGHT | |Synchronet copyright details| | |COPYRIGHT | |Synchronet copyright details| |
|DATETIME_UTC | |Current Coordinated Universal Time and Date (in 24-char long format)| | |DATETIME_UTC | |Current Coordinated Universal Time and Date (in 24-char long format)| |
|DATETIMEZONE | |Current system date and time and time-zone | | |DATETIMEZONE | |Current system date and time and time-zone | |
|DIR | |Current file directory short description | | |
|DIRL | |Current file directory long description | | |
|DN | |Number of current file directory | | |
|DL |DN-L | " " padded and left justified (4 chars wide) | | |
|DR |DN-R | " " padded and right justified (4 chars wide) | | |
|EVENT | |Date and time of next scheduled timed event | | |EVENT | |Date and time of next scheduled timed event | |
|FIDOADDR | |System's primary FidoNet address | | |FIDOADDR | |System's primary FidoNet address | |
|FILES | |Number of files in the user's currently selected file transfer directory | | |
|FILES://code// | |Number of files in the file transfer directory specified by internal-//code// | | |
|FILES://path// | |Number of files in the directory specified by //path// | | |
|FILESIZE | |Total size of all files in the user's currently selected file transfer directory | | |
|FILESIZE://code//| |Total size of all files in the file transfer directory specified by internal-//code//| | |
|FILESIZE://path//| |Total size of all files matching the path/filespec specified in //path//| | |
|FILEKB | |Total size (in kibibytes) of all files in the user's currently selected file transfer directory | | |
|FILEKB://code// | |Total size (in kibibytes) of all files in the file transfer directory specified by internal-//code//| | |
|FILEKB://path// | |Total size (in kibibytes) of all files matching the path/filespec specified in //path//| | |
|FILEMB | |Total size (in mebibytes) of all files in the user's currently selected file transfer directory | | |
|FILEMB://code// | |Total size (in mebibytes) of all files in the file transfer directory specified by internal-//code//| | |
|FILEMB://path// | |Total size (in mebibytes) of all files matching the path/filespec specified in //path//| | |
|FILEGB | |Total size (in gibibytes) of all files in the user's currently selected file transfer directory | | |
|FILEGB://code//| |Total size (in gibibytes) of all files in the file transfer directory specified by internal-//code//| | |
|FILEGB://path//| |Total size (in gibibytes) of all files matching the path/filespec specified in //path//| | |
|FREESPACE | |Free disk space available for uploads (in bytes) | | |
|FREESPACEK | |Free disk space available for uploads (in kibibytes) | | |
|FULL_VER | |Synchronet full version number (e.g. "3.15a")| | |FULL_VER | |Synchronet full version number (e.g. "3.15a")| |
|GIT_BRANCH | |Synchronet Git repository branch name (e.g. "master")| | |GIT_BRANCH | |Synchronet Git repository branch name (e.g. "master")| |
|GIT_HASH | |Synchronet Git repository commit hash (most significant Git-SHA hex-digits)| | |GIT_HASH | |Synchronet Git repository commit hash (most significant Git-SHA hex-digits)| |
|GRP | |Current message group short description | | |
|GRPL | |Current message group long description | | |
|GN | |Number of current message group | | |
|GL |GN-L | " " padded and left justified (4 chars wide) | | |
|GR |GN-R | " " padded and right justified (4 chars wide) | | |
|HOSTNAME | |Server's hostname | | |HOSTNAME | |Server's hostname | |
|INETADDR | |System's Internet Address (as configured in SCFG)| | |INETADDR | |System's Internet Address (as configured in SCFG)| |
|JS_VER | |JavaScript Library Version | | |JS_VER | |JavaScript Library Version | |
|LASTCALLERNODE |PREVON, LASTCALLERSYSTEM |Name of user last user to use the terminal server | | |LASTCALLERNODE |PREVON, LASTCALLERSYSTEM |Name of user last user to use the terminal server | |
|LIB | |Current file library short description | | |
|LIBL | |Current file library long description | | |
|LN | |Number of current file library | | |
|LL |LN-L | " " padded and left justified (4 chars wide) | | |
|LR |LN-R | " " padded and right justified (4 chars wide) | | |
|LOCAL-IP | |System's IP address | | |LOCAL-IP | |System's IP address | |
|LOCATION | |System location (e.g. "city, state") | | |LOCATION | |System location (e.g. "city, state") | |
|SERVED | |Total clients served by the [[:server:Terminal]] Server during this uptime | | |SERVED | |Total clients served by the [[:server:Terminal]] Server during this uptime | |
|SOCKET_LIB | |Socket Library type and version information | | |SOCKET_LIB | |Socket Library type and version information | |
|SMB_AREA | |Current message group and sub-board (short names) or ''Email'' for mail base | | |
|SMB_AREA_DESC | |Current message group and sub-board (long names) or ''Personal Email'' for mail base | | |
|SMB_GROUP | |Current message group name | | |
|SMB_GROUP_DESC | |Current message group description (long name)| | |
|SMB_GROUP_NUM | |Current message group number| | |
|SMB_SUB | |Current message sub-board name (or ''Mail'' for the mail base) | | |
|SMB_SUB_DESC | |Current message sub-board description (or ''Mail'' for the mail base)| | |
|SMB_SUB_CODE | |Current message sub-board internal code (or ''MAIL'' for the mail base)| | |
|SMB_SUB_NUM | |Current message sub-board number| | |
|SMB_MSGS | |Total number of messages visible to current user in the current message sub-board| | |
|SMB_CURMSG | |Currently viewed message (index) into current message sub-board| | |
|SMB_LAST_MSG | |Number of last message stored in current message sub-board| | |
|SMB_MAX_MSGS | |Maximum number of messages to store in current message sub-board| | |
|SMB_MAX_CRCS | |Number of history message body hashes to store for current message sub-board| | |
|SMB_MAX_AGE | |Maximum age (in days) of messages stored in current message sub-board| | |
|SMB_TOTAL_MSGS | |Total number of message stored in the current message sub-board| | |
|MSG_NUM | |Current message number| | |
|MSG_ID | |Current message ID| | |
|MSG_REPLY_ID | |Current Message Reply-ID| | |
|MSG_TO | |Current message to-user name/number/address| | |
|MSG_TO_NAME | |Current message to-user name| | |
|MSG_TO_FIRST | |Current message to-user "first" name| | |
|MSG_TO_EXT | |Current message to-user extension (number)| | |
|MSG_TO_NET | |Current message to-user network address| | |
|MSG_TO_NETTYPE | |Current message to-user network address type (e.g. "QWKnet", "FidoNet", or "Internet") | | |
|MSG_CC | |Current message carbon-copy list (usually blank)| | |
|MSG_FROM | |Current message from-user name/number/address| | |
|MSG_FROM_NAME | |Current message from-user name| | |
|MSG_FROM_FIRST | |Current message from-user "first" name| | |
|MSG_FROM_EXT | |Current message from-user extension (number)| | |
|MSG_FROM_NET | |Current message from-user network address| | |
|MSG_FROM_NETTYPE | |Current message from-user network address type (e.g. "QWKnet", "FidoNet", or "Internet") | | |
|MSG_SUBJECT | |Current message subject| | |
|MSG_SUMMARY | |Current message summary (usually blank)| | |
|MSG_TAGS | |Current message tags (space-separated, optional)| | |
|MSG_DATE | |Current message date/time written | | |
|MSG_DATE_UTC | |Current message date/time written, at Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) | | |
|MSG_IMP_DATE | |Current message date/time imported | | |
|MSG_AGE | |Current message age (e.g. in seconds, minutes, hours, etc.) | | |
|MSG_TIMEZONE | |Current message timezone written | | |
|MSG_IMP_TIMEZONE | |Current message timezone imported | | |
|MSG_ATTR | |Current message attributes| | |
|MSG_AUXATTR | |Current message auxiliary attributes| | |
|MSG_NETATTR | |Current message network attributes| | |
|MSG_UPVOTES | |Current message total number of 'up-votes' (new in v3.17)| | |
|MSG_DOWNVOTES | |Current message total number of 'down-votes' (new in v3.17)| | |
|MSG_SCORE | |Current message vote score (down-votes subtracted from up-votes)| | |
|MSG_VOTED | |Current user voted status for current message (checkmark) | | |
|MSG_UPVOTED | |Current user up-voted status for current message (checkmark) | | |
|MSG_DOWNVOTED | |Current user down-voted status for current message (checkmark) | | |
|MSG_THREAD_ID | |Current message thread's thread-id (message number) | | |
|MSG_THREAD_NEXT| |Current message thread's next message number | | |
|MSG_THREAD_BACK| |Current message thread's previous message number | | |
|MSG_THREAD_FIRST| |Current message's first reply message number | | |
|FILE_AREA | |Current file area (lib and directory) names | | |
|FILE_AREA_DESC | |Current file area (lib and directory) descriptions | | |
|FILE_LIB | |Current file library name | | |
|FILE_LIB_DESC | |Current file library description | | |
|FILE_LIB_NUM | |Current file library name | | |
|FILE_DIR | |Current file directory name | | |
|FILE_DIR_DESC | |Current file directory description | | |
|FILE_DIR_CODE | |Current file directory internal code | | |
|FILE_DIR_NUM | |Current file directory number | | |
|FILE_NAME | |Current file name | | |
|FILE_DESC | |Current file description | | |
|FILE_UPLOADER | |Current file uploader (e.g. user name) | | |
|FILE_SIZE | |Current file size (in bytes) | | |
|FILE_CREDITS | |Current file credit value | | |
|FILE_TIME | |Current file modification time and date | | |
|FILE_TIME_ULED | |Current file upload time and date | | |
|FILE_TIME_DLED | |Current file last download time and date | | |
|FILE_DATE | |Current file modification date | | |
|FILE_DATE_ULED | |Current file upload date | | |
|FILE_DAT_DLED | |Current file last download date | | |
|FILE_TIMES_DLED | |Current file download count | | |
|STATS.LOGONS |NUMCALLS, TCALLS|Total logons during history of system | | |STATS.LOGONS |NUMCALLS, TCALLS|Total logons during history of system | |
|STATS.LTODAY | |Total logons today | | |STATS.LTODAY | |Total logons today | |
|STATS.FTODAY | |Total feedbacks sent today | | |STATS.FTODAY | |Total feedbacks sent today | |
|STATS.NUSERS | |Total number of new users today | | |STATS.NUSERS | |Total number of new users today | |
|SUB | |Current message sub-board short description | | |
|SUBL | |Current message sub-board long description | | |
|SN | |Number of current message sub-board | | |
|SL |SN-L | " " padded and left justified (4 chars wide) | | |
|SR |SN-R | " " padded and right justified (4 chars wide) | | |
|SYSOP | |Name of System Operator | | |SYSOP | |Name of System Operator | |
|SYSAVAIL | |Sysop availability for chat (e.g. "Available" or "Not Available")| | |SYSAVAIL | |Sysop availability for chat (e.g. "Available" or "Not Available")| |
|SYSAVAILYN | |Sysop availability for chat (e.g. "Yes" or "No")| | |SYSAVAILYN | |Sysop availability for chat (e.g. "Yes" or "No")| |
|TFILE | |Total number of files on system | | |
|TIME |SYSTIME |Current system time | | |TIME |SYSTIME |Current system time | |
|TIME_UTC | |Current Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) | | |TIME_UTC | |Current Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) | |
|TIMEZONE | |Current system time zone abbreviation or UTC offset| | |TIMEZONE | |Current system time zone abbreviation or UTC offset| |
|TMSG | |Total number of messages on system| | |
|TNODES |TNODE,TN |Total number of Terminal Server nodes | | |TNODES |TNODE,TN |Total number of Terminal Server nodes | |
|TUSER | |Total number of currently active registered users | | |TUSER | |Total number of currently active registered users | |
|VER_NOTICE | |BBS version information (e.g. "Synchronet BBS for Win32 Version 3.15")| | |VER_NOTICE | |BBS version information (e.g. "Synchronet BBS for Win32 Version 3.15")| |
|WHO | |Display status of all active nodes| | |WHO | |Display status of all active nodes| |
| |
| ===== Message Area Information ===== |
| |
| The context-sensitive //Message Area Information// @-codes are: |
| |
| ^Code ^Description ^ |
| |CONF |Name of current Group and Sub-board| |
| |CONFNUM |Number of current Group and Sub-board (separated by a space)| |
| |GRP |Current message group short description | |
| |GRPL |Current message group long description | |
| |GN |Number of current message group | |
| |GL | " " padded and left justified (4 chars wide) | |
| |GR | " " padded and right justified (4 chars wide) | |
| |SUB |Current message sub-board short description | |
| |SUBL |Current message sub-board long description | |
| |SN |Number of current message sub-board | |
| |SL | " " padded and left justified (4 chars wide) | |
| |SR | " " padded and right justified (4 chars wide) | |
| |SMB_AREA |Current message group and sub-board (short names) or ''Email'' for mail base | |
| |SMB_AREA_DESC |Current message group and sub-board (long names) or ''Personal Email'' for mail base | |
| |SMB_GROUP |Current message group name | |
| |SMB_GROUP_DESC |Current message group description (long name)| |
| |SMB_GROUP_NUM |Current message group number| |
| |SMB_SUB |Current message sub-board name (or ''Mail'' for the mail base) | |
| |SMB_SUB_DESC |Current message sub-board description (or ''Mail'' for the mail base)| |
| |SMB_SUB_CODE |Current message sub-board internal code (or ''MAIL'' for the mail base)| |
| |SMB_SUB_NUM |Current message sub-board number| |
| |SMB_MSGS |Total number of messages visible to current user in the current message sub-board| |
| |SMB_CURMSG |Currently viewed message (index) into current message sub-board| |
| |SMB_LAST_MSG |Number of last message stored in current message sub-board| |
| |SMB_MAX_MSGS |Maximum number of messages to store in current message sub-board| |
| |SMB_MAX_CRCS |Number of history message body hashes to store for current message sub-board| |
| |SMB_MAX_AGE |Maximum age (in days) of messages stored in current message sub-board| |
| |SMB_TOTAL_MSGS |Total number of message stored in the current message sub-board| |
| |MSGS |Total number of messages in the current sub-board (added in v3.20e) | |
| |TMSG |Total number of messages on system| |
| |
| ===== Message Information ===== |
| |
| The context-sensitive currently-inspected //Message Information// @-codes are: |
| |
| ^Code ^Description ^ |
| |MSG_NUM |Current message number| |
| |MSG_ID |Current message ID| |
| |MSG_REPLY_ID |Current Message Reply-ID| |
| |MSG_TO |Current message to-user name/number/address| |
| |MSG_TO_NAME |Current message to-user name| |
| |MSG_TO_FIRST |Current message to-user "first" name| |
| |MSG_TO_EXT |Current message to-user extension (number)| |
| |MSG_TO_NET |Current message to-user network address| |
| |MSG_TO_NETTYPE |Current message to-user network address type (e.g. "QWKnet", "FidoNet", or "Internet") | |
| |MSG_CC |Current message carbon-copy list (usually blank)| |
| |MSG_FROM |Current message from-user name/number/address| |
| |MSG_FROM_NAME |Current message from-user name| |
| |MSG_FROM_FIRST |Current message from-user "first" name| |
| |MSG_FROM_EXT |Current message from-user extension (number)| |
| |MSG_FROM_NET |Current message from-user network address| |
| |MSG_FROM_NETTYPE |Current message from-user network address type (e.g. "QWKnet", "FidoNet", or "Internet") | |
| |MSG_SUBJECT |Current message subject| |
| |MSG_SUMMARY |Current message summary (usually blank)| |
| |MSG_TAGS |Current message tags (space-separated, optional)| |
| |MSG_DATE |Current message date/time written | |
| |MSG_DATE_UTC |Current message date/time written, at Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) | |
| |MSG_IMP_DATE |Current message date/time imported | |
| |MSG_AGE |Current message age (e.g. in seconds, minutes, hours, etc.) | |
| |MSG_TIMEZONE |Current message timezone written | |
| |MSG_IMP_TIMEZONE |Current message timezone imported | |
| |MSG_ATTR |Current message attributes| |
| |MSG_AUXATTR |Current message auxiliary attributes| |
| |MSG_NETATTR |Current message network attributes| |
| |MSG_UPVOTES |Current message total number of 'up-votes' (new in v3.17)| |
| |MSG_DOWNVOTES |Current message total number of 'down-votes' (new in v3.17)| |
| |MSG_SCORE |Current message vote score (down-votes subtracted from up-votes)| |
| |MSG_VOTED |Current user voted status for current message (checkmark) | |
| |MSG_UPVOTED |Current user up-voted status for current message (checkmark) | |
| |MSG_DOWNVOTED |Current user down-voted status for current message (checkmark) | |
| |MSG_THREAD_ID |Current message thread's thread-id (message number) | |
| |MSG_THREAD_NEXT |Current message thread's next message number | |
| |MSG_THREAD_BACK |Current message thread's previous message number | |
| |MSG_THREAD_FIRST |Current message's first reply message number | |
| |
| ===== File Area Information ===== |
| |
| The current //File Area// @-codes are: |
| |
| ^Code ^Description ^ |
| |LIB |Current file library short description | |
| |LIBL |Current file library long description | |
| |LN |Number of current file library | |
| |LL |" " padded and left justified (4 chars wide) | |
| |LR |" " padded and right justified (4 chars wide) | |
| |DIR |Current file directory short description | |
| |DIRL |Current file directory long description | |
| |DN |Number of current file directory | |
| |DL | " " padded and left justified (4 chars wide) | |
| |DR | " " padded and right justified (4 chars wide) | |
| |FILES |Number of files in the user's currently selected file transfer directory | |
| |FILES://code// |Number of files in the file transfer directory specified by internal-//code// | |
| |FILES://path// |Number of files in the directory specified by //path// | |
| |FILEBYTES |Total size (in bytes) of all files in the user's currently selected file transfer directory | |
| |FILEBYTES://code//|Total size (in bytes) of all files in the file transfer directory specified by internal-//code//| |
| |FILEBYTES://path//|Total size (in bytes) of all files matching the path/filespec specified in //path//| |
| |FILEKB |Total size (in kibibytes) of all files in the user's currently selected file transfer directory | |
| |FILEKB://code// |Total size (in kibibytes) of all files in the file transfer directory specified by internal-//code//| |
| |FILEKB://path// |Total size (in kibibytes) of all files matching the path/filespec specified in //path//| |
| |FILEMB |Total size (in mebibytes) of all files in the user's currently selected file transfer directory | |
| |FILEMB://code// |Total size (in mebibytes) of all files in the file transfer directory specified by internal-//code//| |
| |FILEMB://path// |Total size (in mebibytes) of all files matching the path/filespec specified in //path//| |
| |FILEGB |Total size (in gibibytes) of all files in the user's currently selected file transfer directory | |
| |FILEGB://code//|Total size (in gibibytes) of all files in the file transfer directory specified by internal-//code//| |
| |FILEGB://path//|Total size (in gibibytes) of all files matching the path/filespec specified in //path//| |
| |FILESIZE |Total size estimate (in KB/MB/GB) of all files in the user's currently selected file transfer directory | |
| |FILESIZE://code//|Total size estimate (in KB/MB/GB) of all files in the file transfer directory specified by internal-//code//| |
| |FILESIZE://path//|Total size estimate (in KB/MB/GB) of all files matching the path/filespec specified in //path//| |
| |FREESPACE |Free disk space available for uploads (in bytes) | |
| |FREESPACEK |Free disk space available for uploads (in kibibytes) | |
| |MINSPACE |Minimum required free disk space to allow uploads | |
| |TFILE |Total number of files on system | |
| |
| ===== File Information ===== |
| |
| The context-sensitive currently-inspected //File Information// @-codes are: |
| |
| ^Code ^Description ^ |
| |FILE_AREA |Current file area (lib and directory) names | |
| |FILE_AREA_DESC |Current file area (lib and directory) descriptions | |
| |FILE_LIB |Current file library name | |
| |FILE_LIB_DESC |Current file library description | |
| |FILE_LIB_NUM |Current file library name | |
| |FILE_DIR |Current file directory name | |
| |FILE_DIR_DESC |Current file directory description | |
| |FILE_DIR_CODE |Current file directory internal code | |
| |FILE_DIR_NUM |Current file directory number | |
| |FILE_NAME |Current file name | |
| |FILE_DESC |Current file description | |
| |FILE_TAGS |Current file tags (space-separated)| |
| |FILE_UPLOADER |Current file uploader (e.g. user name) | |
| |FILE_AUTHOR |Current file's author (e.g. from FILE_ID.DIZ SAUCE record) | |
| |FILE_GROUP |Current file's author's group (e.g. from FILE_ID.DIZ SAUCE record) | |
| |FILE_SIZE |Current file size estimate in KB, MB, GB, etc. | |
| |FILE_BYTES |Current file size (in bytes) | |
| |FILE_COST |Current file credit value or "FREE" when applicable | |
| |FILE_CREDITS |Current file credit value | |
| |FILE_TIME |Current file modification time and date | |
| |FILE_TIME_ULED |Current file upload time and date | |
| |FILE_TIME_DLED |Current file last download time and date | |
| |FILE_TIME_TO_DL |Current file transfer time estimate ("HH:MM:SS") at current CPS | |
| |FILE_DATE |Current file modification date | |
| |FILE_DATE_ULED |Current file upload date | |
| |FILE_DATE_DLED |Current file last download date | |
| |FILE_TIMES_DLED |Current file download count | |
| |FILE_FTP_PATH |Current file virtual path on FTP server | |
| |FILE_WEB_PATH |Current file virtual path on Web server | |
| |FILE_CRC32 |Current file 32-bit CRC as 8 hex digits | |
| |FILE_MD5 |Current file 128-bit MD5 hash as 32 hex digits | |
| |FILE_SHA1 |Current file 160-bit SHA-1 hash as 40 hex digits | |
| |
===== User Information ===== | ===== User Information ===== |
| |
|U+//code//!//char// | | Send a Unicode character code point, specifying fallback character only to used when no automatic fallback is available | | |U+//code//!//char// | | Send a Unicode character code point, specifying fallback character only to used when no automatic fallback is available | |
|!//x// | | Execute the terminal/attribute control sequences for one or more [[Ctrl-A Codes]] (operands) represented by //x//| | |!//x// | | Execute the terminal/attribute control sequences for one or more [[Ctrl-A Codes]] (operands) represented by //x//| |
| |AT | | Literal ''@'' character (new in v3.20d) | |
|MNE://low// | | Set Mnemonic string "low" attribute (color) using ''[[config:attr.ini]]'' syntax for "low" attribute code; the "high" attribute is set to the same color with the "high intensity" bit flipped | | |MNE://low// | | Set Mnemonic string "low" attribute (color) using ''[[config:attr.ini]]'' syntax for "low" attribute code; the "high" attribute is set to the same color with the "high intensity" bit flipped | |
|MNE://low//://high// | | Set Mnemonic string "low" and "high" attributes (colors) | | |MNE://low//://high// | | Set Mnemonic string "low" and "high" attributes (colors) | |