Synchronet v3.19b-Win32 (install) has been released (Jan-2022).

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config:index [2010/02/21 23:47] – created digitalmanconfig:index [2022/03/14 20:16] (current) – Organized page into headings (using tags). Andre
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-====== Configuration Documentation ======+====== Configuration ====== 
 +Synchronet configuration instructions and references.
-{{indexmenu>.}}+===== Operating System ===== 
 +===== General Configuration =====
 +===== Chat & Messaging =====
 +{{topic>config?chat messaging&nodate&nouser&simplelist}}
 +===== Web Server =====
 +===== Security, Abuse, & SPAM =====
 +{{topic>config?security abuse&nodate&nouser&simplelist}}
 +===== File Types =====
 +===== See Also =====
 +  * [[util:SCFG:]] Synchronet Configuration Utility
 +  * [[howto:door:|How-to Install Doors (external programs)]]
 +  * [[howto:fidonet:|How-to Join FidoNet (message network)]]
 +  * [[dir:CTRL]] Directory
 +  * [[dir:TEXT]] Directory
 +=== Full List of Configuration Pages ===