Synchronet v3.19b-Win32 (install) has been released (Jan-2022).

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config:attr.cfg [2022/03/14 20:29] – Deleting after moving to customization. Andreconfig:attr.cfg [2024/04/26 23:17] (current) – created digital man
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 +====== attr.cfg ======
 +Configuration of default text attributes (i.e. colors) for the [[server:Terminal]] server.
 +===== Format =====
 +Each LF-terminated line in the ''[[dir:ctrl]]/attr.cfg'' file defines a separate text attribute.
 +The first (up to 4) characters of each line of the file define the attribute using the letters and numbers of [[custom:Ctrl-A codes]].
 +Comments describing the attributes follow each attribute definition in the stock file.
 +===== See Also =====
 +  * [[:config:|config index]]