Synchronet v3.19b-Win32 (install) has been released (Jan-2022).

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bbs:eotl [2019/07/26 18:14] – created nelginbbs:eotl [2022/12/29 22:47] (current) – [EOTL BBS] nelgin
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== EOTL BBS ======+====== End Of The Line BBS ======
 The Of The Line BBS, Plano, Texas, USA The Of The Line BBS, Plano, Texas, USA
 ===== Highlights ===== ===== Highlights =====
   * Sysop: [[:person:nelgin]]   * Sysop: [[:person:nelgin]]
-  * telnet +  * telnet, ssh or rlogin: 
-  * ssh +  * http 
-  * rlogin +  * https 
-  * http and https access +  * Fully ipv6 accessible 
-  * 20 message networks+  * 20 message FTN and QWK networks
   * nntp interface for reading echomail   * nntp interface for reading echomail
   * A few doors and always open to requests   * A few doors and always open to requests