====== FidoNet ====== [[WP>FidoNet]], and FidoNet Technology Networks (FTN), are international amateur networks of computer systems. They often operate a public access BBS and all are connected via modem and/or via the Internet as well. [[wp>FidoNet]]((a.k.a. Fidonet)) remains today an active worldwide BBS message and file distribution network. ===== FidoNet Technology ===== FidoNet networking technology is mostly described in proposals and adopted standards by the [[http://ftsc.org/|FidoNet Technical Standards Committee]]. FidoNet networking technology is used for many other BBS networks (unrelated to the mainstream FidoNet), often referred to as FidoNet Technology Networks (FTN) or "othernets". ===== See Also ===== * [[http://www.filegate.net/nodelist/|FidoNet Nodelist Archive]] * [[http://www.echolist.net/|International Echolist]] [[http://www.filegate.net/echolist/|Archive]] * [[http://www.fidonet.org/]] (quite stale as of 2010) * [[util:SCFG:]] * [[usenet|Networks]] * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SatomFn67fk|Video demonstration of setting up FidoNet on Synchronet v3.17b for Windows]] * FidoNet-related pages: {{topic>fidonet}} {{tag>fidonet}}