====== Use PHP with the Synchronet Web Server ======
Dynamic [[http://php.net/|PHP]] content may be served by the Synchronet Web Server using //PHP-CGI// or, for 3.17a builds newer than November 1st, 20015, using //PHP-FPM//. PHP-CGI is slower and less efficient than PHP-FPM, so PHP-FPM is recommended when available.
PHP applications //will not// magically have access to your Synchronet content (e.g. users, messages, files).
===== Install PHP =====
Make sure you get PHP-CGI or PHP-FPM support as needed. On *nix platforms, this is achieved for PHP-CGI by excluding the ''--with-apxs2'' option from the ''configure'' command-line during the installation process.
===== Install PHP Content =====
Install your PHP application(s) into your ''[Web] Root directory'', as specified in your ''[[config:sbbs.ini]]'' file.
:!: Note: many PHP web applications require 3rd party database support (e.g. MySQL), which may need to be installed as well.
===== Configure Web Server For PHP-CGI =====
Edit your ''[[dir:ctrl]]/[[config:sbbs.ini]]'' file, ensuring:
- The Web Server is enabled (''AutoStart=true'')
- If your application has an ''index.php'' file, that that file is included in the ''IndexFileNames'' value (comma separated list)
- The ''MaxCgiInactivity'' value is set to something sane (default: 120 seconds)
- The ''CGIExtensions'' key value includes ''.php'' (comma separated list)
- The ''Options'' key value **does not** include the ''NO_CGI'' option (bit 5)
Edit your ''[[dir:ctrl]]/[[config:web_handler.ini]]'' file.
If you're using Synchronet for Windows v3.15 (Web Server Revision 1.525 or later), edit the ''[CGI.Win32]'' section, otherwise, edit the ''[CGI]'' section:
Ensure the ''php'' key value points to the correct path (location) of your ''php-cgi'' (or ''php-cgi.exe'') file.
Example (*nix):
php = /usr/local/bin/php-cgi
Example (Windows):
php = /php/php-cgi.exe
Edit your ''[[dir:ctrl]]/[[config:cgi_env.ini]]'' file, ensuring it contains the following lines:
:!: If you see the PHP error ''This PHP CGI binary was compiled with force-redirect enabled.'', that indicates that your ''[[dir:ctrl]]/[[config:cgi_env.ini]]'' file is missing this key.
===== Configure Web Server For PHP-FPM =====
Edit your ''[[dir:ctrl]]/[[config:sbbs.ini]]'' file, ensuring:
- The Web Server is enabled (''AutoStart=true'')
- If your application has an ''index.php'' file, that that file is included in the ''IndexFileNames'' value (comma separated list)
- The ''MaxCgiInactivity'' value is set to something sane (default: 120 seconds)
- The ''Options'' key value **does not** include the ''NO_CGI'' option (bit 5)
Edit the [[server:web#webctrl.ini per-directory configuration file|webctrl.ini file]] at the root of your PHP application and configure it to use FastCGI.
Example (using a TCP socket):
Example (using a UNIX Domain socket):
Make sure that php-fpm is running and that the listener socket is the same as in the FastCGISocket line.
:!: If you see the PHP error ''This PHP CGI binary was compiled with force-redirect enabled.'', that indicates that your ''[[dir:ctrl]]/[[config:cgi_env.ini]]'' file is missing this key.
===== See Also =====
* [[http://php.net/]]
* [[:server:web|Synchronet Web Server]]
* [[:howto:|How-To Pages]]