====== Freebsd Non-root ======
Running on FreeBSD, you can use the [[https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=mac_portacl|mac_portacl(4)]] framework to allow a specific user ID to bind specific reserved ports.
First, find the uid of the user you are running sbbs as. Assuming the user name is "sbbs":
id sbbs
Next, you need to edit [[https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=loader.conf|/boot/loader.conf]] and add the line mac_portacl_load="YES"
. Now, you need to add the following lines to [[https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=sysctl.conf|/etc/sysctl.conf]]. Replace "1003" with the uid you found above:
Finally, you will need to apply the changes. Load the module using kldload mac_portacl
then apply the sysctl.conf changes service sysctl restart
Now you should be able to run SBBS as the specified user and rebind ports. Make sure you remove the User= line from the UNIX section of the sbbs.ini or you will be unable to recycle the BBS.
===== See Also =====
* [[:howto:|howto index]]
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