====== strftime ====== Date and time formatting supported by the C runtime library function: ''strftime'' ^ Code ^ Replacement string ^ | %a | Abbreviated weekday name in the locale | | %A | Full weekday name in the locale | | %b | Abbreviated month name in the locale | | %B | Full month name in the locale | | %c | Date and time representation appropriate for locale | | %C | The year divided by 100 and truncated to an integer, as a decimal number (00−99) | | %d | Day of month as a decimal number (01 - 31) | | %D | Equivalent to %m/%d/%y | | %e | Day of month as a decimal number (1 - 31), where single digits are preceded by a space | | %F | Equivalent to %Y-%m-%d | | %g | The last 2 digits of the ISO 8601 week-based year as a decimal number (00 - 99) | | %G | The ISO 8601 week-based year as a decimal number | | %h | Abbreviated month name (equivalent to %b) | | %H | Hour in 24-hour format (00 - 23) | | %I | Hour in 12-hour format (01 - 12) | | %j | Day of the year as a decimal number (001 - 366) | | %m | Month as a decimal number (01 - 12) | | %M | Minute as a decimal number (00 - 59) | | %n | A newline character (\n) | | %p | The locale's A.M./P.M. indicator for 12-hour clock | | %r | The locale's 12-hour clock time | | %R | Equivalent to %H:%M | | %S | Second as a decimal number (00 - 59) | | %t | A horizontal tab character (\t) | | %T | Equivalent to %H:%M:%S, the ISO 8601 time format | | %u | ISO 8601 weekday as a decimal number (1 - 7; Monday is 1) | | %U | Week number of the year as a decimal number (00 - 53), where the first Sunday is the first day of week 1 | | %V | ISO 8601 week number as a decimal number (00 - 53) | | %w | Weekday as a decimal number (0 - 6; Sunday is 0) | | %W | Week number of the year as a decimal number (00 - 53), where the first Monday is the first day of week 1 | | %x | Date representation for the locale | | %X | Time representation for the locale | | %y | Year without century, as decimal number (00 - 99) | | %Y | Year with century, as decimal number | | %z | The offset from UTC in ISO 8601 format; no characters if time zone is unknown | | %Z | Either the locale's time-zone name or time zone abbreviation, depending on registry settings; no characters if time zone is unknown | | %% | Percent sign | In addition, there are some Microsoft Windows-specific modifiers and GNU/*nix specific modifiers that may be used. ===== See Also ===== * [[:custom:|Customization]] * [[https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/c-runtime-library/reference/strftime-wcsftime-strftime-l-wcsftime-l?view=vs-2019|Microsoft strftime reference]] * [[https://linux.die.net/man/3/strftime|Linux strftime reference]] [[https://www.man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/strftime.3.html|another]] * [[https://www.unix.com/man-page/FreeBSD/3/strftime/|FreeBSD strftime man page]] {{tag>}}