Synchronet v3.19b-Win32 (install) has been released (Jan-2022).

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server:index [2010/03/08 15:17] digitalmanserver:index [2023/06/16 16:50] (current) – [Configuration] add SCFG v3.20 Servers menu intro digital man
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 ====== Servers ====== ====== Servers ======
-Synchronet's TCP/IP Servers are in-process native binaries (in the form of dynamically loadable libraries), written primarily in C (with very little C++).+Synchronet's TCP/IP Servers are in-process native binaries (in the form of dynamically loadable libraries and shared objects), written primarily in C (with very little C++).
 ===== Configuration ===== ===== Configuration =====
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 Synchronet's Servers are enabled/disabled and configured in the ''[[dir:ctrl]]/[[config:sbbs.ini]]'' file. Synchronet's Servers are enabled/disabled and configured in the ''[[dir:ctrl]]/[[config:sbbs.ini]]'' file.
 +In Synchronet v3.20, the Synchronet Servers are configurable via the [[util:SCFG]]->Servers menu:
 +║ Server Configuration ║
 +║ │Global Settings     ║
 +║ │Terminal Server     ║
 +║ │Web Server          ║
 +║ │FTP Server          ║
 +║ │Mail Server         ║
 +║ │Services Server     ║
 ===== TCP/IP Servers ===== ===== TCP/IP Servers =====
-{{indexmenu>.}} +{{indexmenu>.|msort}} 
 ====== See Also ====== ====== See Also ======