Synchronet v3.19b-Win32 (install) has been released (Jan-2022).

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External Program Data File (a.k.a. drop file), DOOR.SYS file format, initially introduced by GAP BBS Software from Kenny Gardner.

This file should normally be created in the current node's directory (example: C:\sbbs\node1). The current node's directory can be easily passed to external programs via command line (using the %n command line specifier in SCFG) or more easily retrieved by external programs be reading the SBBSNODE environment variable.

  • The DOOR.SYS is a plain text file consisting of CRLF-delimited lines, parsed one line at a time.
  • The original format consisted of 31 lines while “newer” DOOR.SYS files may contain 52 lines, for an additional 21 fields of data.
  • The valid ranges of numeric values were mostly undefined in specs, but limits are imposed by popular door libraries (e.g. DoorFrame)
Line # Example Description Comment Default
1 COM1: Comm Port COM0: = LOCAL MODE
2 2400 Baud (DCE) Rate 300 to 38400
3 8 Parity 7 or 8
4 1 Node Number 1 to 99 1
5 19200 DTE Rate Was Y/N (LOCKED at 19200)
6 Y Screen Display Y=On N=Off Y
7 Y Printer Toggle Y=On N=Off Y
8 Y Page Bell Y=On N=Off Y
9 Y Caller Alarm Y=On N=Off Y
10 Rick Greer User Full Name
11 Lewisville, Tx. Calling From
12 214 221-7814 Home Phone
13 214 221-7814 Work/Data Phone
14 PASSWORD Password
15 110 Security Level
16 1456 Total Times On 0 through 32767
17 03/14/88 Last Date Called mm/dd/yy
18 7560 Seconds Remaining THIS call
19 126 Minutes Remaining THIS call
20 GR Graphics Mode GR=Graph, NG=Non-Graph, 7E=7,E Caller
21 23 Page Length rows of text
22 Y User Mode Y = Expert, N = Novice
23 1234567 Conferences/Forums Registered In ABCDEFG
24 7 Conference Exited To DOOR From G
25 01/01/99 User Expiration Date mm/dd/yy
26 1 User File's Record Number 1+
27 Y Default Protocol X, C, Y, G, I, N, Etc.
28 0 Total Uploads
29 0 Total Downloads
30 0 Daily Download “K” Total
31 999999 Daily Download Max. “K” Limit
32 10/22/88 Caller's Birthdate mm/dd/yy
33 G:\GAP\MAIN Path to the MAIN directory where user file is
34 G:\GAP\GEN Path to the GEN directory
35 Michael Sysop's Name name BBS refers to Sysop as
36 Stud Alias name user's alias or handle
37 00:05 Event time hh:mm
38 Y Error correcting connection Y/N
39 N ANSI supported & caller using NG mode Y/N
40 Y Use Record Locking Y/N
41 14 BBS Default Color CGA color code (1-15)
42 10 Time Credits in Minutes -32768 through 32767
43 07/07/90 Last New File Scan Date mm/dd/yy
44 14:32 Time of This Call hh:mm
45 07:30 Time of Last Call hh:mm
46 6 Maximum daily files available
47 3 Files d/led so far today
48 23456 Total “K” Bytes Uploaded
49 76329 Total “K” Bytes Downloaded
50 A File Sucker User Comment
51 10 Total Doors Opened
52 10283 Total Messages Left 0 through 32767

See Also