Synchronet v3.19b-Win32 (install) has been released (Jan-2022).

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howto:petscii [2021/09/16 13:05] – [Detection] Typo digital manhowto:petscii [2021/09/16 13:06] (current) – [Listening] Typo digital man
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 ===== Listening ===== ===== Listening =====
-By default, the Synchronet Terminal servers only listen on the standard TCP ports for the protocols supports (e.g. 23 for Telnet, 513 for RLogin, 22 for SSH). To add support for either or both PETSCII ports, you'll need to add one or both port numbers (following a colon) to one of the comma-separated address values for one of the ''Interface'' keys in the ''[bbs]'' section of the ''[[dir:ctrl]]/[[config:sbbs.ini]]'' file. Example:+By default, the Synchronet Terminal server only listens on the standard TCP ports for the protocols supported (e.g. 23 for Telnet, 513 for RLogin, 22 for SSH). To add support for either or both PETSCII ports, you'll need to add one or both port numbers (following a colon) to one of the comma-separated address values for one of the ''Interface'' keys in the ''[bbs]'' section of the ''[[dir:ctrl]]/[[config:sbbs.ini]]'' file. Example:
   TelnetInterface =,,,::   TelnetInterface =,,,::