Synchronet v3.19b-Win32 (install) has been released (Jan-2022).

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howto:door:tal [2016/11/06 18:00] – created Buckaroohowto:door:tal [2018/03/01 12:21] (current) – old revision restored digital man
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 In TAL, the player begins as ruler of a small county. The goal is to build the largest, strongest county. In TAL, the player begins as ruler of a small county. The goal is to build the largest, strongest county.
-Gameplay in The Arcadian Legends is similar to its SRGames cousins, Barren Realms Elite and Falcon's Eye, also turn-based strategy games. The player must manage his county's economy, build an army, and engage in trade and diplomacy. +Gameplay in The Arcadian Legends is similar to its SRGames cousins, Barren Realms Elite and Falcon's Eye, also turn-based strategy games. The player must manage his county's economy, build an army, and engage in trade and diplomacy. TAL is unique, though, in that each of its turns represents one day of a month, and during that day you can only do one thing, such as mining, farming, conducting war or sending out a treaty proposal. 
- +
-TAL is unique, though, in that each of its turns represents one day of a month, and during that day you can only do one thing, such as mining, farming, conducting war or sending out a treaty proposal. +
 ===== SCFG Settings ===== ===== SCFG Settings =====
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 From the command line, run TAL TEST and take a look at the RESULTS.TXT file generated. This will tell you if there are any issues. From the command line, run TAL TEST and take a look at the RESULTS.TXT file generated. This will tell you if there are any issues.
-I run TAL inbound and outbound (Or TAL Full) whenever my system receives mail. I also run the following every morning in my nightly maintenance batch file.+I run TAL inbound whenever my system receives mail. I also run the following every midnight in my nightly maintenance batch file.
-TAL REQUEST +::TAL League 10 
-TAL RECON +CD C:\sbbs\xtrn\tal10 
-TAL PLANETARY +TAL INBOUND [Processes any inbound BRE packets] 
-TAL BBSINFO +TAL SCORES [Creates InterBBS score files] 
-TAL SCORES+TAL PLANETARY [Runs daily Maintenance for BRE] 
 +TAL REQUEST [Create global recon updates and requests] 
 +TAL BBSINFO [Creates a text file of all League BBS's, their version number and date of last recon.] 
 +TAL OUTBOUND [Processes any outbound packets] 
 +cd outbound 
 +move *.* c:\taurus\out\[filebox name] [Moves outbound packets to the filebox for the League Hub system] 
 +del c:\taurus\out\[filebox name]\*.msg [Deletes extraneous MSG files]
 </code> </code>