Synchronet v3.19b-Win32 (install) has been released (Jan-2022).

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dir:text [2018/12/18 13:52] – [Text Directory] lowercase for consistency digital mandir:text [2023/10/26 17:39] (current) – [menu] Mention the new language sub-dirs digital man
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-====== text Directory ======+====== text directory ======
 The Synchronet ''text'' directory contains several forms of text files, generally displayable to users of the BBS. The Synchronet ''text'' directory contains several forms of text files, generally displayable to users of the BBS.
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 With a few exceptions, the ''text'' directory contains files that may be displayed to users (e.g. menu files displayed in the Terminal Server). With a few exceptions, the ''text'' directory contains files that may be displayed to users (e.g. menu files displayed in the Terminal Server).
-The stock/default contents of the ''text'' directory can be browsed online [[|here]].+The stock/default contents of the ''text'' directory can be browsed online [[|here]].
 A daily snapshot archive of the stock/default contents of the ''text'' directory can downloaded in [[|zip]] (for Windows) or [[|tgz]] (for *nix). A daily snapshot archive of the stock/default contents of the ''text'' directory can downloaded in [[|zip]] (for Windows) or [[|tgz]] (for *nix).
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 Files in the ''text/menu'' directory (and its sub-directories) are special because there may be multiple terminal-specific versions of each menu base filename. The ''.asc'' version of a menu file is considered the "lowest common denominator", and will be displayed when other versions do not exist or the user's terminal has no special capabilities (e.g. TTY). Files in the ''text/menu'' directory (and its sub-directories) are special because there may be multiple terminal-specific versions of each menu base filename. The ''.asc'' version of a menu file is considered the "lowest common denominator", and will be displayed when other versions do not exist or the user's terminal has no special capabilities (e.g. TTY).
-See [[config:text files]] for more details about the various file types supported in the ''text/menu'' directory (e.g. ''.asc'', ''.ans'', ''.mon'', ''.rip'', etc.).+See [[config:text files]] for more details about the various file types supported in the ''text/menu'' directory (e.g. ''.msg'', ''.asc'', ''.ans'', ''.mon'', ''.rip'', etc.).
 +Sub-directories of the ''text/menu'' directory are used for the storage of menu files that have been translated to alternate languages (indicated by ''[[dir:ctrl]]/[[custom:text.ini|text.lang.ini]]'' files).
 Sub-directories of the ''text/menu'' directory may be used for the storage of menu files for (non-default or 3rd party) command shells. Sub-directories of the ''text/menu'' directory may be used for the storage of menu files for (non-default or 3rd party) command shells.
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   * [[:config:text_files|Text files]]   * [[:config:text_files|Text files]]
   * [[:module:Avatars]]   * [[:module:Avatars]]
-  * [[|Text directory in CVS]] [[|Mirror]]+  * [[|text directory in CVS]]