Table of Contents

Hardening the Synchronet Servers

Hardening a system is the process in which an administrator or systems operator reduces the chance an attacker can either gain access or information from a system. You may wish to harden your system to protect your BBS, your users and your self.

Identifing your version of Synchronet

Use of this document requires you to know which version of the software you are using and ensuring you are using the most up-to-date version available for your operating system. If you are not using the latest available verison, see Win32 or Unix installation instructions.

To identify what version of Synchro you are running: Linux: exec/sbbs -h Windows: From the Synchronet Control Panel, Select Help->About....

To check the latest available version of Synchro: Synchro Download

Why Harden My Server

An Attacker can us various tactics to compromise a system - The reasons for compromising a system can include;

Settings to Harden

This guide will cover hardening synchronet from a security point of view, as well as an operational security point of view. Sometimes hardening breaks or removes functionality..

* Linux/Unix systems: DO NOT RUN Synchronet AS ROOT

User=sbbsuser & Group=sbbsgroup

* Displaying of passwords to the Console/Log

Note: ensure the log/console is not accessible by untrusted users. Since passwords are stored in plain text, having them also in the log or on the console is not an increase in attack surface if this precaution is taken.

Disable Plain Text Protocols

Note: By hardening some of these functions below, you may also remove abilities of your BBS that can not be replaced by another secure function at this time. Specifically FTP & Finger.


Unix: Setup Synchro to log to a specific file

Hardening Suggestions for 3.16:

Things to Investigate:


See Also