====== FIXSMB - Re-index Message Base ====== The Synchronet ''fixsmb'' utility can be used to repair specific types of message base corruption by re-creating the index (''.sid'') file and optionally, the hash (''.hash'') file. In the process, it can optionally re-number messages (use with caution!), undelete deleted messages, and even fix (change) duplicate message numbers. Do not use this utility unless directed to and always back-up your data first. usage: fixsmb [-renumber] [-undelete] [-fixnums] [-rehash] [[smb_file] [...]] Example: fixsmb /sbbs/data/mail Example: fixsmb /sbbs/data/subs/subsub ===== See Also ===== * [[:util:|util index]] * [[chksmb]] {{tag>fixsmb}}