====== MQTT Topic Naming and Payload Scheme ====== Synchronet v3.20 can publish and subscribe to message "topics" on a configured MQTT [[http://mosquitto.org/|broker]]. As enabled and configured in [[util:SCFG]]->Networks->MQTT: ╔══════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Message Queue Telemetry Transport ║ ╠══════════════════════════════════════╣ ║ │Enabled Yes ║ ║ │Broker Address ║ ║ │Broker Port 1883 ║ ║ │Username ║ ║ │Password ║ ║ │Keep-alive 60 seconds ║ ║ │Protocol Version 5 ║ ║ │Publish Verbosity High ║ ║ │Publish QOS 0: At most once ║ ║ │Subscribe QOS 2: Exactly once ║ ║ │Log Level Informational ║ ║ │TLS (encryption) Off ║ ╚══════════════════════════════════════╝ ===== Retention ===== Most Synchronet MQTT messages are published with the //retain// flag enabled. Retained messages published before a client/subscriber connects will still be received (upon new client connection) until until the broker is restarted or the retained messages are explicitly removed from the broker. ===== Topics ===== Synchronet MQTT message topics start with ''**sbbs/BBSID**'' where ''BBSID'' is the System's BBS ID (for QWK Packets) as configured in [[util:SCFG]]->Message Options. It's possible for a single MQTT broker to serve multiple Synchronet BBSes in this way. The full BBS name is published to this topic level (not a leaf topic). For example: sbbs/MYBBS = My Brand-new BBS All leaf topics are published as children of the ''sbbs/BBSID'' topic under 3 main branches: * ''sbbs/BBSID/**node**'' - BBS nodes * ''sbbs/BBSID/**host**'' - Server hosts * ''sbbs/BBSID/**action**'' - Client actions (events) {{:ref:mqtt_explorer_top-level_example.png?700}} All MQTT messages published by Synchronet contain just plain text (US-ASCII characters), the one exception being ''sbbs/+/node/+/output'' topics that include terminal control characters/sequences. Numeric values, unless otherwise are specified, are represented in US-ASCII //decimal// characters. ===== Nodes ===== The BBS's [[server:terminal]] server nodes (servicing terminal connections via Telnet, SSH, RLogin, Raw TCP) can be monitored and controlled via MQTT. Under the ''sbbs/BBSID/**node**'' hierarchy, you'll find a sub-topic for each BBS node, with the total node count published to the ''node'' topic, for example: sbbs/MYBBS/node = 4 total In "High" Publish Verbosity mode, human-readable node status messages are published directly to ''node/+'' topics. For example: sbbs/MYBBS/node/1 = Bubbaboy at external program menu via telnet sbbs/MYBBS/node/2 = At login prompt via telnet sbbs/MYBBS/node/3 = At login prompt via telnet sbbs/MYBBS/node/4 = Waiting for connection Sub-topics of each ''node/+'' topic include: * sbbs/+/node/+/**status** - tab-delimited node status values (see ''[[dir:load]]/nodedefs.js'' for details) * sbbs/+/node/+/**terminal** - tab-delimited current (or last) connected-terminal definition * sbbs/+/node/+/**output** - live output to connected-terminal (for spying) Example: sbbs/VERT/node/1/status = 0 0 1 65535 0 0 0 7 sbbs/VERT/node/1/terminal = 80 24 syncterm ANSI CP437 6 0 2005 ==== Control ==== Nodes can be controlled by publishing messages to the following topics: * sbbs/+/node/+/**input** - keyboard input to inject into connected-node * sbbs/+/node/+/**msg** - send a short text message to the node (message should be terminated with a newline character) * sbbs/+/node/+/**set/status** - set the node's status value (to an integer value: "0" is waiting for connection, "5" is off-line) * sbbs/+/node/+/**set/errors** - set the node's error counter value (to an integer value, e.g. "0" to clear the error counter) * sbbs/+/node/+/**set/misc** - set the node's miscellaneous attribute flags (to an integer value, "0x" prefix for hexadecimal values) * sbbs/+/node/+/**set/lock** - only a sysop can login (publish "0" to clear this flag) * sbbs/+/node/+/**set/intr** - interrupt (disconnect) a user's session (publish "0" to clear this flag) * sbbs/+/node/+/**set/down** - make the node not available for connections (status = 5) (publish "0" to clear this flag) * sbbs/+/node/+/**set/rerun** - have the node reload its configuration upon next connection (publish "0" to clear this flag) ===== Hosts ===== A single Synchronet BBS can be split across multiple instances running on separate inter-networked host computers. Each host will be represented with its own sub-topic of the ''sbbs/BBSID/host'' topic. For example: sbbs/MYBBS/host/MYCOMPUTER sbbs/MYBBS/host/rPi sbbs/MYBBS/host/ubuntu The public host name (configured in ''[[dir:ctrl]]/[[config:sbbs.ini]]'') of the host is published to this topic level (not a leaf). For example: sbbs/MYBBS/host/MYCOMPUTER = mybbs.synchro.net The control and monitoring of a specific Synchronet instance is done through this "host sub-topic" tree. ^ Host sub-topic ^ Description ^ | recycle | Publishing any message to the **recycle** sub-topic of any host topic will initiate a recycling of that host's servers (all of them). | | pause | Publishing any message to the **pause** sub-topic of any host topic will initiate pause that host's servers (all of them), preventing the acceptance of any new incoming client connections. | | resume | Publishing any message to the **resume** sub-topic of any host topic will un-pause that host's servers (all of them), that we previously paused via the **pause** topic. | ===== Servers ===== Each Synchronet instance (host) contains the following servers, each represented by its own sub-topic of ''sbbs/BBSID/host/hostname/server'': * sbbs/+/host/+/server/**term** - Terminal Server * sbbs/+/host/+/server/**mail** - Mail Server * sbbs/+/host/+/server/**ftp** - FTP Server * sbbs/+/host/+/server/**web** - Web Server * sbbs/+/host/+/server/**srvc** - Services The //status// of each server is published to its server topic, for example: sbbs/MYBBS/host/MYCOMPUTER/server/term = ready 1/5 clients 223 served The //state// (first field of status) for each server is one of: * stopped * initializing * ready * paused * reloading * stopping * disconnected The server status contains more details/statistics and is published more often when "High" MQTT->Publish Verbosity is enabled in [[util:SCFG]]. ^ Server sub-topic ^ Description ^ | recycle | Publishing any message to the **recycle** sub-topic of any server topic will initiate a recycling of that server. | | pause | Publishing any message to the **pause** sub-topic of any server topic will prevent that server from accepting any new incoming client connections. | | resume | Publishing any message to the **resume** sub-topic of any server topic will un-pause that server, returning to the "ready" state, accepting incoming client connections. | Each server topic has the following sub-topics for status reporting: * sbbs/+/host/+/server/+/**version** - name, version/revision, and build date/time/tool of server * sbbs/+/host/+/server/+/**state/#** - server state change events * sbbs/+/host/+/server/+/**client** - current count of connected clients and maximum number of concurrent clients supported by this server * sbbs/+/host/+/server/+/**client/list** - tab-delimited details of all connected clients, one client per line * sbbs/+/host/+/server/+/**client/action/#** - client actions (e.g. connect, disconnect) * sbbs/+/host/+/server/+/**served** - total clients served since server was started * sbbs/+/host/+/server/+/**error_count** - total errors logged since server was started ==== Logs ==== Each ''server/+'' and ''event'' sub-topics has a **log** child topic where //all// messages of all log levels (severity) will be published as well as a grandchild topic for each log level (0-7, decreasing in severity) of logged messages. Log messages published directly to the "log" topic also have a MQTT v5 user property that specifies the log level of each message (for indication / sorting by the receiving client). * sbbs/+/host/+/server/+/**log** * sbbs/+/host/+/server/+/**log/#** * sbbs/+/host/+/event/**log** * sbbs/+/host/+/event/**log/#** ===== Actions ===== Client actions are published to the following BBS-wide topics: * sbbs/+/action/**hack**/METHOD - suspected hack attempt * sbbs/+/action/**spam**/ACTION - suspected SPAM received * sbbs/+/action/**error**/LEVEL - unexpected condition * sbbs/+/action/**exec**/PROGCODE - external program executed * sbbs/+/action/**login**/PROTOCOL - successful user authentication * sbbs/+/action/**login_fail**/PROTOCOL - unsuccessful user authentication * sbbs/+/action/**logout**/PROTOCOL - user logged-out * sbbs/+/action/**download**/DIRCODE - file downloaded * sbbs/+/action/**upload**/DIRCODE - file uploaded * sbbs/+/action/**post**/SUBCODE - message posted * sbbs/+/action/**newuser**/PROTOCOL - new user created * sbbs/+/action/**page**/node/NODE_NUM - sysop paged for chat Fields are tab-delimited and begin with a date/time stamp in ISO-8601 format. ===== Triggers ===== The Terminal Server's //event thread// can be instructed to executed Timed Events or initiate QWKnet call-outs by posting a message to the following topics: * sbbs/+/**exec** - send the internal code of the timed event to execute (case-insensitive) * sbbs/+/**call** - send the QWK-ID of the QWKnet node to force a call-out to (case-insensitive) ===== See Also ===== * [[:ref:|ref index]] * [[:monitor:|Monitoring]] {{tag>mqtt}}