[[http://xkcd.com/293/|{{ http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/rtfm.png|Do you really want to run an OS where the people who write it see this and think "What's the joke?"}}]] ====== Change Directory ====== You must now change to the directory into which Synchronet will be installed. This is the directory you created in [[install:nix:createdir|Step 1]]. If you are not installing into /sbbs and the /sbbs symlink does not exist, you will need to change the path to the correct install directory, ie: ''cd /home/myuser/sbbs'' ===== Common Errors ===== Once the above is taken into account, it is fiendishly hard to cause an error with this step. Because of this, everyone makes a different new and wonderful error, none of which are common. After getting this step wrong //and// looking for help on what could possibly be the problem, you should seriously reconsider if this is really the OS you should be using -- or at least if you should maybe learn how to use the OS before trying to install software on it. ===== See Also ===== * [[:install:nix:|install:nix index]]