====== Use TinyTIC with Synchronet ====== Instructions and information for using the TinyTIC tic processor with Synchronet, by [[person:jame]]. TinyTIC is a small, simple Open Source TIC processor that will work with Synchronet; and, in fact, was originally developed for that. It will run on MS Windows, Linux, etc; and the source code is available from its home page. Binaries may also be available there and/or on BBSs; including debian packages for installation on a Debian or Ubuntu Linux system. ==== Configuration ==== An example (on a Linux system) configuration file for TinyTIC: ## Configuration File for TinyTIC v0.8 ## Logfile is where you want the logfile to be created and ## what its name should be. Logfile /opt/sbbs/data/logs/tinytic.log ## Inbound is where your mailer stores the TIC files and their ## corresponding files Inbound /var/spool/sbbs/inb ## DataFile is used to specify where the text file will be created ## for each process of the TIC files and what its name ## will be. DataFile /opt/sbbs/ctrl/tic/announce.txt ## AreaName is used to denote which files belong to which area. Areas ## are specified in the TIC files. ## -Format: AreaName AreaName ECHOLIST /srv/ftp/ftn/echolist AreaName FIDONEWS /srv/ftp/ftn/fidonews AreaName NODEDIFF /srv/ftp/ftn/nodediff AreaName BACKBONE /srv/ftp/ftn/echolist AreaName NODELIST /srv/ftp/ftn/nodelist AreaName I-BINKD /srv/ftp/ftn/ibn ==== BinkD ==== The [[howto:binkd|BinkD]] IP mailer can be configured to use TinyTIC for processing TIC files. An example of configuring the shell script to be executed for TIC files: exec "/opt/sbbs/exec/adm/ticin.sh" *.tic And where the ticin.sh script could look something like this: #!/bin/sh # /opt/sbbs/exec/adm/ticin.sh # cd /opt/sbbs export SBBSCTRL=/opt/sbbs/ctrl export SBBSNODE=/opt/sbbs/node1 /usr/bin/tinytic --config-file /opt/sbbs/ctrl/tic/tinytic.cfg /opt/sbbs/exec/adm/tic/ticpost.sh And the ticpost.sh script is used to post an announce message about received files: #!/bin/sh # /opt/sbbs/exec/adm/tic/ticpost.sh # SBDIR=/opt/sbbs cd $SBDIR export SBBSCTRL=/opt/sbbs/ctrl export SBBSNODE=/opt/sbbbs/node1 WORKDIR=$SBDIR/ctrl/tic MSGTEXT=$WORKDIR/ticmsg.txt AREA=$SBDIR/data/subs/fidoreq.shd if [ -f $WORKDIR/announce.txt ]; then cat $WORKDIR/header.txt $WORKDIR/announce.txt $WORKDIR/footer.txt > $WORKDIR/ticmsg.txt \ && rm $WORKDIR/announce.txt # post message $SBDIR/exec/smbutil i$MSGTEXT $AREA < $WORKDIR/ticmsg.hdr fi ; ==== See Also ==== * TinyTIC Documentation * [[http://ftnapps.sourceforge.net/tinytic.html|TinyTIC Home]] * [[:howto:binkd|BinkD HowTo]] * [[:howto:|howto index]] {{tag>fidonet}}