====== 🐜 Debug Synchronet for Windows Using Microsoft Visual Studio/C++ ====== Follow these steps to run the [[monitor:sbbscon|Synchronet Console]] inside the Microsoft Visual Studio/C++ debugger: 1. Open ''src/sbbs3/sbbs3.sln'' in Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 2. Set the "Solution Configuration" to "Debug", "Win32": {{:howto:debug_config.jpg?400|}} 3. Use the Build Solution option (or hit F7) {{:howto:sbbs_build_solution.jpg?400|}} 4. Set the "sbbscon" project as the "Startup project" and edit its properties: {{:howto:sbbscon_proj.jpg?400|}} 5. Set the "Working Directory" on the "Debugging" page of the "sbbscon" project's property pages to ''msvc.win32.dll.debug'' {{:howto:sbbscon_proj_properties.png?600|}} 6. Use the "Start Debugging" option (or hit F5): {{:howto:sbbs_start_debugging.jpg?400|}} ===== See Also ===== * [[:howto:|howto index]] {{tag>debug windows msvc}}