====== UNIX ====== Configuration of ''[UNIX]'' section of the Synchronet initialization file (e.g. ''[[dir:ctrl]]/[[config:sbbs.ini]]''). ===== User/Group ===== If you are **not** [[howto:linux_non-root|starting sbbs as ''root'']], then you should **not** set these values. ==== User ==== Default: ==== Group ==== Default: If you do not want to run Synchronet (and all external programs/doors) as root (the Unix //administrator// user), you will have to set the ''User'' and ''Group'' key values. Example: User=sbbsuser Group=sbbsgroup NOTE: the ''sbbsuser'' and ''sbbsgroup'' names are just examples. You must pick valid user/group names for your system (e.g. exist in your system's ''/etc/passwd'' file) and both the user and group name may be the same. Also, the Synchronet file permissions/ownership should be such that this user/group would have read and write access to them. The best way to accomplish this is a command like: # chown -R sbbsuser:sbbsgroup /sbbs If you do this, then be sure to run any Synchronet utilities (e.g. [[util:SCFG]]) as the same user that the BBS is going to run as: # su -c /sbbs/exec/scfg sbbs ===== Logging ===== ==== LogFacility ==== Default: ''U'' (User) Supported Values: ''0''-''7'' ("Local0" through "Local7" facility), ''U'' (for "User" facility), and ''S'' or ''F'' (for "Standard" facilities) If you have ''sbbs'' installed to run in the background as a daemon, logging via [[monitor:syslog]] rather than the local console, you may want to set the ''LogFacility'' key value. A good value to use is: LogFacility=3 Then, in ''/etc/syslog.conf'' (or ''/etc/rsyslog.d/sbbslog.conf'') you will need to add the line: local3.* /var/log/sbbs.log Depending on how your vendor set up ''syslog.conf'' initially, you may also want to exclude local3.* from other log files (Noteably ''/var/log/messages''). how to do this varies with your syslogd implementation, but for BSD based ones (Which BSD and many Linux distros use) you would add ";local3.none" to the end of the first field in the ''/var/log/messages'' line. You will have to create this file manually initially by running: # touch /var/log/sbbs.log Then send a HUP to syslogd like so: # killall -HUP syslogd Or it might be necessary to: # service syslogd restart You could then monitor the Synchronet daemon log output with: # tail -f /var/log/sbbs.log You will want to investigate how your system rotates logs and set it up to rotate ''sbbs.log'' also. # cat /etc/logrotate.d/sbbs /var/log/sbbs*.log { weekly missingok rotate 52 notifempty create 640 root adm sharedscripts postrotate invoke-rc.d rsyslog reload > /dev/null endscript } Further use of the ''LogFacility'' setting is beyond the scope of this document. Read your ''syslog.conf'' manpage for more information about this. In particular, do NOT use the 'S' setting unless you are familiar with advanced syslogd configuration. The S setting will use different facilities for each feature of Synchronet as appropriate. Specifically, S will use: LOG_AUTH LOG_DAEMON LOG_FTP (If available) LOG_MAIL LOG_CRON Note: the LogFacility value in the ''sbbs.ini'' file may be overridden with the ''-d'' command-line option (e.g. ''sbbs -d3'' to daemonize ''sbbs'' with LogFacility of ''Local3''). ==== LogIdent ==== Default: ''Synchronet'' This is the value passed as the ''ident'' argument to the system's ''openlog'' function. Run ''man openlog'' for more details on this setting. ===== Process Control ===== ==== PidFile ==== Default: ''sbbs.pid'' This key contains the path of the file which will contain the process identifier (PID) of Synchronet and may be used by background/daemon startup scripts to query the current state of ''sbbs''. When no path is specified, the file (e.g. ''sbbs.pid'') will be created in the Synchronet ''[[dir:ctrl]]'' directory. # service sbbs status Synchronet BBS services status: [running] PID(s): 6270 If you change the value of this key, you may also need to modify your startup script (e.g. ''/etc/init.d/sbbs''). ==== umask ==== Default: ''077'' Sets ''sbbs'''s file mode creation mask. Note: If the value begins with a ''0'', it will be interpreted in //octal// notation. Run ''man umask'' for more details on this setting. ==== Daemonize ==== Default: ''false'' When set to ''true'', forces ''sbbs'' to run daemonized (in the background) without specifying the ''-d'' command-line option. Setting this value to ''true'' is not recommended. ===== See Also ===== * [[:config:|Configuration]] * [[:monitor:syslog]] {{tag>configuration unix operating_system}}